Campfire Stories

Sep 7, 2018
Going on a 3 day excursion with two of my best friends tomorrow, first time in over 5 years that we have been able to make it work. The bags are packed and the maps are marked, of course I'm so excited I cant sleep. Has me laying here thinking of all the stories and jokes we have told and heard through whiskey soaked breath by the fires light. This made me curious about the stories and tall tales others have heard through the years? Anything's welcome
I live in Az. and have a cabin just below the Mogollon Rim.
Always tell stories of the Mogollon Monster(Bigfoot type creature)
around the campfire.Just to keep the younguns' looking over thier
Always throw in a Snipe hunt to keep things interesting. :cool:
Love the camp fires after a long day of elk hunting. Eating a big fat rib eye having a cocktail and planning the next days hunt with the other guys in the group. This year well be different we only have 3 people in the group. Most year we have 6 so we have 3 groups of 2 and meet at night around the fire ring. Not sure if that well happen since it well probably be 1 group of 3. Its a little harder to listen to a good elk story when you were their. 🤣 still can plan out the next day. There is a bright side, I very seldom get to elk hunt with my brother looking forward to it.