Camp Axe Recommendations?

Well, I am a Tikka guy šŸ˜ƒ but I like the look and feel of a wood handled axe. I'll take the cold steel and strip the paint off the head and remove the varnish from the handle and give it a tung oil finish and make it look less 'mass produced'.
I've dressed up a couple of their tomahawks for fun.


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Eastwing all steel handle.
So Iā€™m a fanā€¦..but used this today next to a similar sized fiskars, it will not split would the same way. I feel the fiskars has less handle shock and is easier to hit wood square. For more wood working, chopping I may agree though.
Well, shades of heresy, but the Cold steel Trail Boss was half off on Amazon so I picked one up for $25. I'll see how it is. I'm thinking of the Husqvarna multi purpose axe or the Council Tools wood craft axe if the CS doesn't work out. Thanks for the good info and recommendations.
I have a Gransfors SFA, but I was going to recommend the CS Trail boss. Like you said, strip the varnish and give it a boiled linseed oil finish and a sharpening, and it'll do anything you can reasonably ask it to. As much as I like my GFB, I reach for the Cold Steel more often and keep it as a dedicated truck axe.

You should re-think the wood handle thing. The fiskars stuff is fantastic and a great value. Something like a gransfors is cool and all, but that's too much money for something that is going to have a rough life by default.

Side note- ran over the handle of one of my fiskars axes with a nissan truck and the handle is fine.
Letā€™s be honest once you get one Gransfors, you tend to get more of them. They are beautiful.

You wonā€™t regret the utility and size of the small forest axe, but since you arenā€™t back packing it In, definitely could size up.
Chopping/splitting wood with a plastic handled axe/maul etc is never as comfortable as a wood handle. That plastic just transfers the shock horribly.

The only time I take plastic handles anywhere is if I think someone who doesn't know what they are doing might pick it up and "take a few whacks." I never cringe if they are swinging a Fiskars.
I think both have their place. The Fiskars axes are great for something you can use and not have to worry about, and they work quite well. I especially like their splitting maul.

However there is something nice about a nice wood handled axe/hatchet. I think the Husqvarna ones are a very good value. I have the hatchet and the small splitting axe shown above and both are great.

I have a small Wetterlings axe that I bought and has never touched a piece of wood. Itā€™s just so dang nice I donā€™t want to mess it up, which makes no sense. And for what they are going for on eBay these days now that theyā€™re out business it makes a guy think it should get sold if I donā€™t put it to work soon
I would check out Snow and Nelly or Council tool for some USA made axes/hatchets. They may not be top of the line, but they are workhorses with a little touch up work after you buy them.
I have a Gerber/Fiskars that lives in my truck, very handy, hold a good edge and splits nice.

For fun times bushcrafting I prefer the look and feel of a Gransfors
Eventually I will have to the Granfors small forest axe. But for others have mentioned, I have a fiskars mounted full time on my truck roof rack. It goes where I go, and that handle can stay out in the sun, rain, etc and doesn't swell, shrink, or crack as fast as the wood would deteriorate. I wouldnt dare store the Granfors like that either.
I have a Hults Bruk agdor, a couple two bits and a gerber medium camp axe.

The hults and two bits are certainly better at making chips. The gerber is a sharp sob.

I wouldn't want to trust it in the cold though. I've seen plenty of synthetic handles break when cold.
I went with council axes due to the hardened poll and if you are like most people who improperly use an axeā€™s poll as a hammer around camp, these axes were made for that task. I think I have the 24ā€?
I have a Hults Bruk agdor, a couple two bits and a gerber medium camp axe.

The hults and two bits are certainly better at making chips. The gerber is a sharp sob.

I wouldn't want to trust it in the cold though. I've seen plenty of synthetic handles break when cold.
I gave Hulks Bruks to my groomsmen for my wedding. They are sweet little tools.