Calling for Permissions

Letter is the way to go for an initial introduction. As CW shown, some will even respond to them. It shows you made an effort and that you respect them enough to take the time in writing it. Even if no response to the letter, at least they have a name to go with your phone call.

I sent a few letters after drawing a tough leftover tag this year. I figure it demonstrates that you care enough to take the time to write something out and mail it, and also doesn't put a landowner on the spot like an actual call would. Haven't heard anything back yet but fingers are crossed big time
I didnt really have a set time or day that i could call. if they didnt answer i would leave a message. some landowners prefer that you meet inperson, which in your case sounds like it may not be possible? just call and tell them the whole story and exactly what you intend to be doing. try not to leave anything up tp question. biggest thing is if they say no thank them with a smile and for their time and move on. they have every right to say no.
I ask for permission in person only. It’s much easier to tell a phone no. If they see you show up dressed well (not camo) driving a clean truck that doesn’t look like you destroy farm paths, the odds are much more in your favor.