California Bear

That's a great bear. I'm no bear expert but have gone after bears specifically with my bow in the D zones a few time and had good luck finding them just not killing one. The only issue for you may be that opener is a month and a half away, that bear appears to be eating grass unless there were some low lying berry bushes he's munching on (but that's probably unlikely due to the time of the year). It's pretty likely he'll be on to other food sources come archery season opener and that's the #1 determination of where you'll find bears. In the areas I hunt in August you'll see old bear scat from when they've been eating grass but that time of the year it's all about the berries. In the areas I've hunted them it's currant berries in August and find the berries you'll find the bears. If you're going to spend some time in that area scout around and try and determine where he'll be come mid august. Later in the season I've found is when they move on to Manzanita berries which are around earlier but they only move on to them once the other berries are gone. Seeing bears deer hunting has always been hit or miss for me but every time I've gone out and targeted bears and their food sources I've found bears, just takes covering some miles to find where they want to be and fresh sign then posting up in the area. Nice thing is I've seen bears out at all hours of the day that time of the year. All personal anecdotal evidence and hopefully someone with more CA bear experience can chime in regarding the food cycle of bears and you can figure out how to find him again with a tag in your pocket!
Thank you, I appreciate the detailed response. There is a lot of really good info there for a guy like me. If What you are saying holds true concerning the berries (food source) that might very well be its home through fall (cross my fingers) till foul weather may push him around. I looks to be a place that might have it all. Ill try to keep tabs on it as the months go by. Again, thank you! 👍
FreeRange is spot on. In nature it is all about taking in more calories than one expends. So wildlife greatly tends to go for the highest caloric food that takes the least effort, as long as they feel secure within that area. Right now, it's spring conditions, so it's forbes and grasses, then it will be berries/acorns, then turn to manzanita and cedar berries, in many locations.

Based on how long that bear fed, in one spot, without moving, there is plenty of feed there. I wish you had some closer shots and vid, but overall, that appears to be one large bear. That bear also appears to be pretty alert, although that could be due to the obvious windy conditions.

Again, best of luck!
Next time I'm in there, I think I can get to a better vantage point that is closer. I'm not quite sure how much, but it should yield a better view of the area. I'll definitely post here if and when of course.
Wow!! I only find the tracks and scat here in Southern CA, that is a pretty bear :D I will be buying my tag also for the Archery Season Start!
Next time I'm in there, I think I can get to a better vantage point that is closer. I'm not quite sure how much, but it should yield a better view of the area. I'll definitely post here if and when of course.
any word on that bear??? he looks like a toad

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Unfortunately I have only had 2 short trips to the area this fall. Every time I've been in there I haven't seen a thing so I'm not sure on what to think. I'm sure weather hasn't pushed him out as it's been pretty mild to warm here in California. Maybe food source has changed? I might head up that way this weekend, if so I'll defininitely post up here to let you all know my findings, if any???