2024 California Bear

One thing to remember is that bears don't like all acorns. Live oaks and white oaks are their favorites and if you have many of those you're usually going to have a lot of bear. They will eat tan oak acorns but not as well as white or live oak. Black oak acorns can be covering the ground and unless they're starving or there is absolutely nothing else to eat they won't touch them. Pin oaks and mush oaks they treat about like black oaks.
I got my first one this year. Went to the Trinity Alps end of September and at 6200’+ we saw minimal sign and no bears. Went out in late October with my cousin who had cameras in some oak patches at 3600’ and I tagged out in a few hours and saw 5 bears.

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Headed up to Redding area the 16th. Plan on hunting the oaks below snow line. Anyone out that way experiencing bear activity still?
One thing to remember is that bears don't like all acorns. Live oaks and white oaks are their favorites and if you have many of those you're usually going to have a lot of bear. They will eat tan oak acorns but not as well as white or live oak. Black oak acorns can be covering the ground and unless they're starving or there is absolutely nothing else to eat they won't touch them. Pin oaks and mush oaks they treat about like black oaks.
I def experienced this a month back… I’m new to hunting the oaks… spent a few days in the black oaks- gorgeous country, acorns everywhere… 0 sign. You ever hunt huckleberry oak?
Bumping this one to the top. I’m thinking of going out the weekend of the 21st. Anyone having any luck?
These guys have been frequenting my place all summer and into the late fall this year, first snow either sent em downhill or into hibernation (Not sure if bears in ca actually do that.) Been considering taking one next year. I have 8 diff bears over this fall on my place. Note the one with a collar.
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These guys have been frequenting my place all summer and into the late fall this year

Nice...great spot.

I think what I feel while looking at this post is the same feeling folks have when they ride by my place and see the huge tom turkeys strutting in the front yard.
Killed the first week of December! SoCal has been stupid warm this fall - hence the t-shirt
Thats a SoCal bear? Nice job man! If you dont mind me asking around what elevation did you find him at? I have a spot I wanna hit and im curios if its too high for them this late.
haha i bet you are! You know i have never taken a bear... ive always been concerned that i wont like the taste and i will have killed him for nothing... wish i could get a lb of ground from some one to try some.
Just get the whole thing ground, there's almost no way you won't like the taste. I haven't had anyone that was willing to try it not like it.
haha i bet you are! You know i have never taken a bear... ive always been concerned that i wont like the taste and i will have killed him for nothing... wish i could get a lb of ground from some one to try some.

At worst you saved some fawns and calves..

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