Cabelas Tikka T3X Superlite Stainless $600......... Today only

Last time I used active junky for a firearm with cabelas, I only received 0.5% back. Was definitely disappointed.
I did enter the code. Itemized receipt says product $749 adjustments -$75 tax 47.25 Total $722.23 Of course after the rebate I get down into the $647.23
Great deal. I picked up a 308 superlite from cabelas for my youngest son to match his older brother’s. I had a .223 and a .243 in my cart at one point also but ended up just getting the one. $600 after the rebate is a steal for these tikkas!
Great deal. I picked up a 308 superlite from cabelas for my youngest son to match his older brother’s. I had a .223 and a .243 in my cart at one point also but ended up just getting the one. $600 after the rebate is a steal for these tikkas!
I bought a 6.5 and a .223. I may get another .223 before the night is over.
I just decided to call. figured they might not be in on thanksgiving but they were open and confirmed that the order is waiting to ship so thinking all is well.
can we start an email club for this? The "Hey, Tikka's are less than $650 right now!!!! Frick!" email club?
Can we start a thread that people only announce this in that we can get an email alert for? That would be the dope.
can we start an email club for this? The "Hey, Tikka's are less than $650 right now!!!! Frick!" email club?
Can we start a thread that people only announce this in that we can get an email alert for? That would be the dope.

It would also be dope for the non-Tikka people not to hear about it. Please make it happen.

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I couldn't decide what calibers and if I should get a lefty 6.5 for my 11 yo son . At one point i had 3 in my cart and couldnt decide which ones to trim off the list and ended up with none. Dang it.
Ha, I went to their website to get a lefty for my son as well, who’s 12, but didn’t really want any of the calibers they had in the lefty. So I ended up buying one for me that he can use 😎