Buy a new Tikka or rebarrel existing HOWA?


Dec 2, 2024
I currently have a HOWA in 6.5 prc and really like the rifle, but it’s a 1.25 to 1.5” gun no matter what I load for it. That’ll work for 400 yards or so, but I’ve already got plenty of guns in the safe that’ll do that. So, I was planning on sending it to the smith and sticking at least a grand into it to get it to reach out to 800 yards or so. But…. What about just selling it and buying a tikka for $6-700? Well, a few things come to mind, first I Hate the hassle of selling a gun, second, what if the tikka’s no better, and I end up spending another grand on the tikka to get it where I want it too?

I know the love for tikkas here so I figured if anyone could talk me into it you guys could. So, convince me it’s not a hassle to sell the old rifle, the new tikka will be amazing, or that after a rebarrel it’ll be the gun of my dreams.
This is what I did. Picked it up from ffl and straight to get chopped and threaded. I want to not like tikkas but the ones I have and have been around are no bs and seem to shoot about anything. Although I just wish someone would make a true flush fit mag. Also dispise the 5 round mag they come with.
no guarantee your existing rifle will shoot better with a new barrel.

i would put the money into a new tikka. you're pretty much guaranteed sub moa.

maybe keep the existing rifle as a backup.
You guys are killing me as expected. Now I need to see what I can get for the HOWA as I’ve already got too many safe queens. Thanks…
…what if the tikka’s no better, and I end up spending another grand on the tikka to get it where I want it too? …
I spent a lot of years struggling to find good shooting factory rifles, and to get one it often required buying multiple used guns and keeping the best shooting one. If there are a lot of the rifle you like sitting on the rack of every pawn shop and sporting goods store that’s still a hassle, but doable.

Eventually, it seems everyone who appreciates an accurate rifle accepts inexpensive factory rifles will probably need a custom barrel. My vote is to spend the money on a good barrel.