Which rimfire rifle should I buy?

This is exactly where I’m leaning currently. One of these in an XLR would be a sweet (but expensive) little rig
Don’t spend the money on an XLR. There are much cheaper options in similar chassis setups. I’ll post in a few.
Another shameless plug for the tikka t1x. I purchased one because my hunting rifle is the t3x lite. I have it setup just like my t3x. Limbsaver pad and today I installed athe same salmon river arca/pic rail. It's ready for gopher season. It is a very accurate gun. Supersonic or subsonic, any brand. It shoots it and shoots it well. I'm picking off gophers up to a 100 yards away with it. Gun is sighted at 75yd zero since that is about a close I can get to those little buggers.

A friend of mine put a KI Precision on his Bergara.
It helped “considerably”. 😀
I went T1x to maintain commonality with my T3x rifles. They are as identical as I can make them. Also the T1x is extremely accurate, and runs very smoothly and without issue, as usual for Tikka.
If you are simulating bolt throw, buy a Tiikka. Otherwise, buy a Ruger 10/22 and replace the trigger.

Very happy with my T1x. Have shot a couple of rimfire steel matches with it and even won one against some guys shooting high dollar rigs.

Having said that, I have and shoot a few 10/22s. One with a scope. One with a dot. One with steel. They are just plain fun. If you go that route, get stainless and upgrade the trigger. Even better, go with an upmarket clone like a switchbolt. For not much more money, you won’t feel the need to swap out parts.

Lastly, find some ammo yours likes and stock up. Mine shoot fine with TCI mini mag 40s. There are some better options, but that is my sweet spot for price, accuracy and function.
I say t1x because it's what I have, because I already have other Tikkas, but Jesus it wasn't long ago they were 449-499 bucks and they're 200 more now? Crazy.
I have a TX1 and CZ 457 (amount others) and get to do a lot of shooting for accuracy and critters.

The TX1 16” might be the best rifle I have ever owned. It is homely looking, customizable, incredibly accurate, and handy beyond words for real world tasks right out of the box.
I picked up a Christensen arms Ranger 22 but don’t have much trigger time with it yet to give an opinion.
I’m a big fan of the browning t bolt, browninf blr22 and browninf pump 22. I have all of them and they are all phenomenal guns. My 10-22 is the workhorse, the others are artwork
I’m a big fan of the browning t bolt, browninf blr22 and browninf pump 22. I have all of them and they are all phenomenal guns. My 10-22 is the workhorse, the others are artwork

Don’t forget the A Bolt .22!

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You already have one cz so I vote you should try the tikka.

Get the flush fit 5nd mags for carrying it around and you'll love it even more.
I run a T1x in a XLR chassis. great training for field position shooting. The gun will do anything I need it to do and do it well. I have heard beware of dry fire with them due to damaging the chamber face. Snap caps are cheap if that's a worry.
I'd go Bergara or CZ.

The great thing about the Bergara is most anything M700 will work on it.

I do know there's aftermarket plug and play barrels being made for the CZ as well as triggers and a few stocks so there's lots of options on both.

I currently have a CZ 453 in 17 HMR and a Savage Mk II in a Boyds vertical grip stock to simulate my hunting rifles. I'd like to get my hands on a CZ 457 and add a Lija barrel and a quality stock one of these days.

Both are Great trainers.
I run a T1x in a XLR chassis. great training for field position shooting. The gun will do anything I need it to do and do it well. I have heard beware of dry fire with them due to damaging the chamber face. Snap caps are cheap if that's a worry.

Try these in the place of the Tipton hard plastic snap caps.
Way cheaper and last longer.
What? The Browning SA22 is chopped liver?......
He’ll no. I was garage sale shopping years ago and the guy had one up there for 200 bucks. 76 years old, moving bc he got a divorce. I went to go back and get it next morning, house was locked up and he was gone