Busted on MT Breaks permit. Looking for general unit outfitter or ranch trespass fee

May 16, 2012
Fargo ND
Generally a DIY guy but now sitting on a general combo tag with no clue where to go. Looking for leads on a ranch trespass access or possibly an outfitter or drop camp if 6 days or more. Any intel by PM much appreciated. Thanks
Contrary to popular opinion you can have a really good hunt on a general tag sans outfitter on public land. I’m 50% at bringing home meat and 100% on shot opportunities on a MT general tag 6 day hunt.

No I’m not saying which unit. Yes you can find crowds, but you can find elk.😉
I get it on comments above and have done same myself. 64 now with fake knees. Not packing quarters on my back anymore so need at least a horse Uber. Thanks

interested in your shield 357 sig conversion barrel from your other post. Cannot PM yet as new member.

Let me know best way to contact you, or me at two zero six, Seven five five, six nine two three

Just Google SELF GUIDED HUNT MONTANA and several will pop up. I’m 62 with a pair of bionic knees, and been paying a trespass fee near Miles City for a couple of years now. Then you have the option of hunting as hard as you’d like. I’ve tried to get as far back as I can off the road system, and get as high up as these knees will carry me. But seen some other folks on the same ranch that can‘t stray far from the truck. And we all had a hell of a good hunt. If I wasn’t so damn picky, I’d carry some meat out every trip.
I’ve also done the Public Lands hunts in Montana, and been looking forward to next year the minute I get home. But it is nice to not see so many damn orange hats every where you look. One issue with Montana, if you book with a ranch and use a land owner tag, that tag is only good for that ranch. So you have to stay off the BLM. And you can’t buy points when applying for the tag. But it is a guaranteed tag. Seems like a mule deer tag in Montana general draw is about a 50 50 proposition these days.
I’ve also done the Public Lands hunts in Montana, and been looking forward to next year the minute I get home. But it is nice to not see so many damn orange hats every where you look. One issue with Montana, if you book with a ranch and use a land owner tag, that tag is only good for that ranch. So you have to stay off the BLM. And you can’t buy points when applying for the tag. But it is a guaranteed tag. Seems like a mule deer tag in Montana general draw is about a 50 50 proposition these days.
There are no land owner sponsored tags for elk in MT. There are for deer. which you are correct. Since this is in the "Elk" forum, I am guessing OP is discussing elk....