If your cartridge is in a die made by SAC, that’s what Iv moved to.
It basically becomes a bushing die and mandrel that dosnt have the problems of bushing dies. Best yet, I can now size, expand and decap in one single pull. Results have been as good or better than many of the other types of dies Iv tried.
My second choice as of now would be a honed FL die with a mandrel step after.
Iv had issues with expanders and full length sizers, pulling out shoulders, and bushing dies creating a doughnut, which seems to happen eventually. Some of these problems can be solved with more time on the bench but that gets old quick. I want the most efficient way that I can make the best brass possible and so far, I think the sac is a better mouse trap in that regards. Nice to be able to anneal, size, trim and load. Saves me a significant amount of time decapping, running the mandrel and dealing with neck doughnuts.