Burris Signature HD binoculars

Feb 12, 2018
There are a few of these posts, but I was hoping to see if anyone else has any recent feedback about the Burris Signature HD binos. There are some decent deals out there and some really good reviews, but the details seem pretty vague on the Burris website. Even Burris customer service gives contradictory answers regarding things like country of origin. I’m not even sure if these binos have ED glass.

So what do you guys think of them?
I had a pair on won in an auction. They are made in China. Lot similar to a lot of other OEM ED/HD China binos. Optics weren't bad - again very similar to a lot of the other $400-500 bino class. Was going to keep them for a truck/kid bino but ended up selling them.

If you haven't had High End glass or used High end glass and new what that offered, and looked thru the Burris, you would probably be pretty damn content.
I had a pair on won in an auction. They are made in China. Lot similar to a lot of other OEM ED/HD China binos. Optics weren't bad - again very similar to a lot of the other $400-500 bino class. Was going to keep them for a truck/kid bino but ended up selling them.

If you haven't had High End glass or used High end glass and new what that offered, and looked thru the Burris, you would probably be pretty damn content.
Basically what I figured. Thanks
I thought they were made in the Philllipines? Good to know. I have a pair of the Signature HDs, and the Signature HD spotter. I bought the binos as "truck binos" and the spotter, well.....I wasn't going to spend thousands of dollars on a spotter, and I found this one new in box for half price. I am very content with both optics. When shopping for the binos, I was leaning toward the BX-4, but I looked through them side by side and I honestly like the Burris better. I haven't purchased my "alpha glass" yet, so the Burris are currently my carry binos, and they have served well, especially when they can be had for much less than MSRP. I believe I got mine under $300, or right at. The field of view is narrow, but the clarity is on par with anything in that price range. The ergos are good, and the build quality is solid.
The older all black roof prism signature selects may have been in the phillipines, but the newer Signature HD's open bridge design are china.

Without going down the politics side of things, Honestly, I dont really care as much as I should about country of origin...Yes Europe and Japan put out better products, but for the price point shopper and casual hunter a lot of $300-500 made in china optics are more than suffice. A lot of hunters would be 100% satisfied with a good 10x42 HD/ED China OEM binocular backed by a good warranty (Athlon, Vortex, Burris, etc)
I took a pair of 12x50's on an Antelope hunt in 2021 and the CA when using them at long distance was pretty bad. In that price range a Leupold BX4 or Meopta offering should be what you are looking at.
How do you guys know these are made in China? The only thing I could find on them was an answer in an Optics Planet thread that said they were made in Japan.
I asked customer service at Burris Optics, and FWIW, the Signature HD binos are made in China.
I just sent in a pair of old burris euro diamonds that were made in Japan in hopes they would be able to tune/service them up as they've been pretty solid for a me.
Just notified they shipped a replacement which I believe to be a pair of 10x42 signature HD.

Hopeful they are better. They will be lighter and more compact than my old euro diamonds for sure.

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Anyone else have feedback about these? Some reviews say they compete with vortex razors. Others say they can’t even keep up with vortex diamondbacks.
Anyone else have feedback about these? Some reviews say they compete with vortex razors. Others say they can’t even keep up with vortex diamondbacks.
After receiving my 10x42 signature hd I was really let down. They hurt my eyes as much as I tried to tune the diopter.
I contacted burris which they've been great said they could give me an updated pair of 10x42 with new coatings or I could try the 12x, 15x. I opted for the 15xs and have been really impressed with them! Camera land confirmed they're made in Japan as well.

There were zeiss conquest hd in the gear deals from optic planet I was able to get for under 700$ so I'm running those for my 10s and the 15xs on a tripod.

If pursuing the signature hd I would get a sku from burris for the updated glass/coatings as mentioned above. Not sure why they didn't send the current model 1st but I'm glad they did and was able to get the 15xs.

ETA burris replied to me about my inquiry as to which country of origin they're made and they responded that all of their signature hd are made in japan?

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Burris customer service is a mess. I have gotten different answers from different people at Burris, many of them wrong. Do they have dielectric coatings? I've heard no and yes from them - now the website says they do, but I've seen videos from Burris saying they're silver coated. Are they made in Japan? Same... some say yes, some say no (they are made in Japan - at least all the ones I've seen in person were). I don't understand why Burris isn't more clear about the optical features of their product - especially as the MSRP keeps climbing. To this day I don't know if they have ED glass - they are awfully expensive if they don't.

Frankly, Burris doesn't seem all that intersted in actually selling these binoculars. I wonder how much longer they'll be making binoculars - in which case, their forever warranty isn't as appealing.
Yeah, I have been losing confidence in some of these larger companies' customer service reps. I seem to be able to find out more information on their products than they can. This MIJ vs MIC issue with Burris and it also recently happened to me with Leupold on a scope rail question. They told me it wouldn't fit my rifle. I didn't believe them and ordered it anyway. I was right - the rail fit perfectly.