bullet selection for mountain goat

Just finished a successful mountain goat hunt in SE AK. 7 PRC Hornady ELDX 175g Precision Hunter dropped it where it stood from 470yds. It was a good shot, but the bullet was devastating for the animal.
As we read this post the biggest thing that pops up is not the caliber or bullet but more or less proper shot placement.

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AK guide buddy is switching to monolithics for everything. He's guided over dozens of billy kills. My goat bullet was berger until now: destroyed the vitals and lots of fragments in meat near wound channel. Goat didn't take a step after I hit him, just flipped over dead.

I killed a grizzly and caribou with hammers this year. First season using them: anecdote, but I was impressed. I am going to use them as my default bullet moving forward.
AK guide buddy is switching to monolithics for everything. He's guided over dozens of billy kills. My goat bullet was berger until now: destroyed the vitals and lots of fragments in meat near wound channel. Goat didn't take a step after I hit him, just flipped over dead.

I killed a grizzly and caribou with hammers this year. First season using them: anecdote, but I was impressed. I am going to use them as my default bullet moving forward.
Which hammer bullet? What cartridge. Range?
Probably way too late for the OP, but in the interest of adding another data point:

.300 WM
165 TTSX @ a hair < 3,200 fps
125 yards
Punched the shoulders, complete pass-through, dead on his feet
tumbled 'til a tree caught him


I picked the rifle for that trip, moreso than the cartridge: an 8400 Montana seemed better suited to the terrain & weather than a walnut & blued specimen would have.

