Build my Mule Deer Arrow

Easton sonic 300. 8.8 GPI. 18, 50 and 75 grain insert options. Full internal flanged insert. Can just about get whatever you want weight and FOC you like.
The fancy set up would be procomps and the Hyde glue in mechanical.

This setup will hit all of your criteria and it worked awesome on elk! I bought the pro comps used. They are 27.5” long, 440gr with 150gr Glue in Hydes and fly 290fps from my 27.6” draw.

OP, I would go with a 300 Pro Comp / Parallel pro, 28.5” long, glue in Hyde and Easy Vanes from Aus. You will be around 450-460gr. You could also do deep six and sevr heads and drop another 30gr and pick up a few fps if that’s what your after.

Costs are similar to the Victory TKO shafts.


This is what the head that went through the above elk looked like after.
Funny enough I just bought a Lift 33 that I'll be shooting @ 75lbs 30" DL and I have been starting to make the same decision.

I have been shooting a 300 spine Easton Axis cut to 28.5" ctc w/ 150 total point weight that finished at 490grns for the last few years, but I am considering switching to either the Easton 5.0 or the Parallel Pro in a 250 spine. I'm going to see what speed I'm getting w/ those 300 axis arrows and go from there.
As mentioned I would not want to shoot over 300 fps, especially with a broadhead and longer distances. Just too touchy over all. may not be the opinion you want to hear.

Soooooo- the options would be to lower your poundage- if you shoot 75# well, you will shoot 70# better! The best bowhunter I know (Frank Noska with 3 (almost) archery super slams) kills everything with 60# and he is NOT a small guy. Just easier and more comfortable with less poundage overall and smoother bow.... an less wear and tear on the shoulder.

Go with the heavier arrow- Bow will be quieter and smoother, less critical on form etc.

At some point most stop chasing the speed.

Good luck, so many options out there
Funny enough I just bought a Lift 33 that I'll be shooting @ 75lbs 30" DL and I have been starting to make the same decision.

I have been shooting a 300 spine Easton Axis cut to 28.5" ctc w/ 150 total point weight that finished at 490grns for the last few years, but I am considering switching to either the Easton 5.0 or the Parallel Pro in a 250 spine. I'm going to see what speed I'm getting w/ those 300 axis arrows and go from there.
250 spine Parallel Pros are heavy
I would build some easton 5.0s with halfouts.(I don't really care for collars) Broad heads of choice. I am going to try the aae air RZR hunters.

I use podium archers calculator on the website. It will get you real close idea of TAW and FOC