Bugling in Colorado high country


Apr 23, 2012
With opening day of archery season coming this weekend and a nice cold front having passed through the state last week has anyone been hearing bugling in the high country of Colorado?
Nothing in the Eagle's Nest Wilderness between 11-12k this past weekend, but the area had a fair amount of human traffic.
Nothing where we hunt. My buddy saw a herd of 50 a week and half ago there. But when we took game cams up not a peep. We know they are in there. Just got coax them to come out and play =P
Live in soap creek in unit 54 and I haven't heard a thing. I'll probably make the hike to little soap park to see if I can hear any screaming in the next couple days
was scouting goats in buena v. country in the 12k-13k range. cold night two nights ago, bulls were bugling that morning. I also saw bulls with cows in two instances, which is somewhat early from my limited experience in that area for elk.
With some of you guys out this weekend, will you give a report on the bugling activity when you can. I'm headed to the Pagosa Springs area, and am curious if they are lighting up yet. Thanks and good luck.
Quiet between 11-12.5k this weekend. Bulls were still in summer feeding patterns. Wallows looked like they hadn't been worked yet. 2 half-hearted bugles total for the weekend.
Hunted all weekend, didnt hear a peep.. even found some new wallows that showed no signs of major activity... hoping things pick up. had some light snow on the tops...maybe spark some activity
Nada for me too. Nothing seen nothing heard.

Hiked in Friday and spiked out hoping to hear some that night but nothing. Nothing glassed either which was previously glassed in july.

Moved 8 miles to another range from original location and nothing on sunday too. Hope to have better luck end of September.