Might try and go out 2-3hrs before daylight,walk off road a couple hundred yards and let out bugle. If your area sees a lot of pressure sometimes that few hundred yards makes the difference. It's kinda like a shock gobble on a turkey. The same bull that will keep his lips sealed at 8am can't help it in the dark.For those of you that drive then bugle from the roads to locate elk what exactly do you do?
People make it sound like they stop, open the door, bugle, then roll on if there's no response, but I'm imagining that you'd want to stop and turn the truck off for a few min, then bugle and wait a few min?
I've found a few elk so far and had a small bull come in from across a meadow to my calls but he was downwind. I'm not hearing much during the day so curious to try it as this trip is mainly scouting for when I come back in 2 weeks. Not that elk I find now will be in the same spots but so far found 2 good areas and don't want to hit them again tomorrow so interested in trying to locate some more elk.