Like others have said, the cheaper StealthCams have been pretty spotty and underwhelming for me. Had one straight out of the box not take any pictures when testing it at home in the yard. Pics on the ST seem okay but noticeably lesser quality compared to others I’ve tried at similar MP resolution settings. On the Says, I’ve had a cameras not capture a dang thing when setting were checked, tested, and left for 6-12 months. Pretty frustrating coming back to a camera and there’s nothing (either that or the sd card was wiped, not sure on that one, since I wasn’t using locks at the time)
Bushnell 24MP low glow cams is what I keep going back to. 0.3s trigger and 100ft range. They work really reliably, super good quality pictures and video, and they only take 6AA batteries. For whatever reason the price has went way up since I got my first one several years ago. I think they were $80 or so at the time. I try to pick up more when I see sales or used ones. They have a less expensive model now but haven’t tried it yet.