We have four vanguards an xbolt and a tikka.
If I were buying a vanguard I'd buy the cheapest I could find because they are all the same just with different colors other than I believe the Camilla wilderness has a BC stock. The version I hunt with is the discontinued wilderness that has a very thin fluted barrel. We also have a wood stocked Camilla, a youth, and they did a run of cerakoted weather guards for some shops that were sold for $400. Two now wear a stockys vertical, the weatherguard has the BC wilderness stock, and I pillar bedded the Camilla. All are 6.5-6.75lbs. The factory vanguard stocks are crap and it makes me sad to see a markup on different colors or camo from them.
The x bolt we have is a fancy cold engraved banquet rifle that we cracked fancy wood stock around the top of the action inlet. It was replaced with a speed take off stock and shoots fine. I don't think there is anything special with the stock on the hells canyon version, at least the stock we have. If it were me I'd buy the cheapest xbolt, shoot it, and if I didn't like the stock I'd put it in a McMillan
I like the safety position of the xbolt better, but I've never once had an issue with the vanguards.
The wilderness I had was a DBM and I didn't like that the bottom metal was plastic; I broke one and they replaced it. I ended up buying a floor plate for it. The x bolt magazines seem fine.
There's far more aftermarket stuff for a vanguard. Stocks, chassis, triggers (we put timneys in) prefit barrels etc.
Two of our vanguards are 6.5creed and they only shoot a few bullets well of 20+ that I tried. They were also manufactured around the same time. The 30-06 and 7-08 we have shoot anything well. I would not buy a 6.5creed again, or I would get emailed instructions from Weatherby ahead of time about how to test for accuracy etc for warranty purposes and do that immediately.
The xbolt has a 60degree bolt.
If it were me, I'd try to scrounge up a new old stock vanguard wilderness. Otherwise, I'd buy the cheapest version of either and know that I might throw on a new stock after shooting.