Brother Cant make a Sept elk hunt in Colorado, should I wait until gun season in Oct?


May 15, 2013
Central Texas
If it were me I would go September solo, weather is great during archery. You might be surprised and like it. I have seen some pretty shitty weather above 10K feet in Colorado during both rifle seasons including nearly 2ft of snow one year during first rifle. I personally wouldn't hunt solo during rifle due to the weather, but during archery its downright nice out there.
Jan 28, 2016
Most of these guys on here I question how many really have any real experience hunting elk during different times of the year. I spend between 45 and 65 days straight hunting elk. I start with archery season then I hunt 1st rifle season. Last season I even then helped a buddy and my GF into 2nd season. Elk are responsive to calls if you know how to work them and use calls properly. Walking around pushing on a hoochi mama won't get the job done. But most certainly elk do respond to calls and can be called in. Maybe not to your feet but close enough to close the deal. I called my GF bull into 100 yards during 2nd rifle season last year. The past several years I have called elk with in bow range during 1st rifle season. So don't listen to guys saying it can't be done. As far as hanging up the bow during rifle season is a personal choice. I always use a rifle during rifle season just because I like having the ability to harvest the animal if it hangs up just out of bow range. But I enjoy calling them in as close as possible before I put the hammer down on em.

Thanks a lot! This is very helpful, and it's the kind of perspective that I just don't have. I think we are going to hunt October and just hope for the best.

I have been calling ducks for years, but I have absolutely no idea what I would do with an Elk call. I imagine its one of those things that you just have to be in elk to really get a feel for, at least thats how it is with ducks. So I don't think I'll be calling in any bulls, but I'll give it a shot.
Jan 28, 2016
If it were me I would go September solo, weather is great during archery. You might be surprised and like it. I have seen some pretty shitty weather above 10K feet in Colorado during both rifle seasons including nearly 2ft of snow one year during first rifle. I personally wouldn't hunt solo during rifle due to the weather, but during archery its downright nice out there.

Yea, I have been dreaming of hunting CO in sept for a long time. A lot of that has been because of the weather. It looks amazing!
Apr 29, 2015
Littleton, CO
I have absolutely no idea what I would do with an Elk call. I imagine its one of those things that you just have to be in elk to really get a feel for, at least thats how it is with ducks. So I don't think I'll be calling in any bulls, but I'll give it a shot.

Check out Elk101 and RoeHuntingResources. Chris Roe's elk module is extensive and will help you a ton. He goes over all the different types of calls and how to use them as well as talking about what calls to use when and how. Get started now because there is over 100 hours of video. I never bugle cause I'm afraid of screwing it up; a cow call is usually sufficient and easier to learn (reed style). DON'T use a hoochie! I'm by no means an expert, nor am I even good; but I have called in a few bulls and can usually get them to at least fire off a response.


Sep 16, 2015
if your dream is to hunt in sept during archery why not just just say f-it and hunt both!! Go solo in Sept and learn what you can and then go back with your brother later in the season and you'll be that much smarter/prepared. if time allows of course....
Jan 28, 2016
if your dream is to hunt in sept during archery why not just just say f-it and hunt both!! Go solo in Sept and learn what you can and then go back with your brother later in the season and you'll be that much smarter/prepared. if time allows of course....

I wish! My boss is not that cool haha.

Jimbo V

Dec 26, 2014
Elk are tough regardless of season and regardless of what weapon you have. I went for archery season last year and got pounded to lower elevations because of the weather. Like others said you can't predict it. I can say hunting elk during the rut is probably one of the most exciting things you can do. You might not go home with those back straps for the grill but you will probably have some good stories and memories. Get out here in some milder weather during archery have fun, manage expectations, and then bring you brother the following year.