Boy names

I got two boys. I really wanted to name one Jodie but was overruled.
Clancy is another that got turned down.

Not sure if he's serious, but my Dad claims he wanted to name me Reno. I think I would've enjoyed that name.
Picking a name, I guess a lot like being a parent, is a funny thing, in that you don't really get the feedback in time to tailor your approach for the next instance. I say that meaning that as a parent you don't really know if all the shit you're doing is going to work until the kid is out of the house and a productive member of society. To that end, I don't take advice from parents unless their older and have successful children. But I digress.

Anyway, maybe this is a good time to share an anecdote. Our daughter was born at 27 weeks and as you can imagine caught us off guard. We hadn't really discussed names seriously. Our method was to look up the lists of most popular names of the time, but we started at the bottom and worked our way up. Like others have said, we wanted an easy to understand, spell, etc name, but not common. Classic may be a good way to describe it. So we're in the NICU perusing the list and at something like #211 was "Emerson," and that's what we ended up landing on. I don't know if it was subconscious or not, but the TV's in the rooms were Emerson brand. I had never heard of a child being named that so it seemed rare enough. After we picked it, we were shocked when a nurse told us "weird, we have 4 other girls named Emerson in the NICU right now," and there were only like 46 beds. For the next couple years it seemed like Emersons were everywhere and it really annoyed us. I haven't noticed it as much lately, but some. But here's a look at the stats. I guess my advice is, do your research better than two shell-shocked parents in the NICU. We don't have any regrets, BTW, she is who she is, maybe my take-away could be that it really is in God's hands and we just sell ourselves the belief we're in control.

Picking a name, I guess a lot like being a parent, is a funny thing, in that you don't really get the feedback in time to tailor your approach for the next instance. I say that meaning that as a parent you don't really know if all the shit you're doing is going to work until the kid is out of the house and a productive member of society. To that end, I don't take advice from parents unless their older and have successful children. But I digress.

Anyway, maybe this is a good time to share an anecdote. Our daughter was born at 27 weeks and as you can imagine caught us off guard. We hadn't really discussed names seriously. Our method was to look up the lists of most popular names of the time, but we started at the bottom and worked our way up. Like others have said, we wanted an easy to understand, spell, etc name, but not common. Classic may be a good way to describe it. So we're in the NICU perusing the list and at something like #211 was "Emerson," and that's what we ended up landing on. I don't know if it was subconscious or not, but the TV's in the rooms were Emerson brand. I had never heard of a child being named that so it seemed rare enough. After we picked it, we were shocked when a nurse told us "weird, we have 4 other girls named Emerson in the NICU right now," and there were only like 46 beds. For the next couple years it seemed like Emersons were everywhere and it really annoyed us. I haven't noticed it as much lately, but some. But here's a look at the stats. I guess my advice is, do your research better than two shell-shocked parents in the NICU. We don't have any regrets, BTW, she is who she is, maybe my take-away could be that it really is in God's hands and we just sell ourselves the belief we're in control.

That's the middle name my wife picked. I didn't care for it too much but she conceded on the first name I liked so she got to have that one.
With my daughter, my wife and each made a list of ten names, then crossed off every name that wasn't on both lists. Then we picked between the (I think) two that we had both come up with independently.

She attempted the same thing with my son, but I wasn't as into it so I was giving her names like Archibald, Jarvis, etc. Well, she actually loved on of them on the list, so that's what the poor boy got stuck with. Plus her grandfather's name as a middle name.

I'd suggest something easy to shout when you're upset or the kid's life is in peril. Food for thought.
I'm not much help. My wife and I had a Girl's name before she became pregnant each time, never settled on a boys name.

Do you want the name to have meaning? If so, what type?

Do you want it to be common or eccentric or in-between? I have never liked made up names, however I like names that are uncommon and both my daughters have names that are rare in the US, though both are very old names with meaning.

You could pick a history figure (such as General Oliver Prince Smith), you could pick a culture you like, then go through names. I have always liked Scandinavian names, but many of my favorites have pagan meanings. While I find them cool, as a Christian I do not want to saddle a kid with a name that means servant of Odin, Etc (though if you don't share that, go for it). My oldest has a Hebrew name, my youngest has a name from one of the minor European languages (and it is old enough no one is certain if it is from Welsh, Cornish, or Brittan). You can always turn to family history to get languages to search for names in.

I think Barca (other than how it sounds like bark in English) is a cool name. It is Carthaginian and means lightening, and while that society did not have surnames, it became the surname for the family of Hannibal (the general that almost never lost a battle against Rome) because of how war like he and his sons were. Hannibal is ruined by two things, the Hannibal Lecter series and it means grace of Baal (back to the religious thing and a particular dislike of a god that demanded the first born child be burned alive in sacrifice). Barca could be an awesome middle name.
I named my only boy after my maternal grandfathers last name. Forrest. In the south, genealogy, especially concerning the war between the states is a very importent thing. I wasn’t just naming him to honor my grandfather, but also Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was born late enough that kids his age aren’t really hip to Forrest Gump.

I named my daughter after a great aunt, Evelyn June.

I have long admired the name Nolan.

For your kids sake, don’t name him Bailey, river, cedar or some other goofy attention seeking nonsense. Those names are to satisfy themselves, with no thoughts about the child bearing that name for the rest of his life
Ha! My second son is due in January. The wife and I settled on James Wilder. I'm still going to call him Wilder though... God I hope he isn't too much wilder than his older brother...
I really like Flint. Got a friend named Flint. If you have a minute google "Flint Rucker in Kansas"

Damn, that was an interesting story...glad I never signed up to be a rancher. Is that in the job description?

Flint, being an experienced rancher, grabbed a hold of Munger’s testicles and twisted. “I was twisting his balls for all it was worth and he was screaming ‘let go! let go!’,” but Flint did not and the fight continued with both ending up outside the sliding glass doors and onto the porch.