Bowhunting during CO Muzzleloader?


Mar 1, 2015
Has anyone done this? I'm researching units for archery next year, both OTC and the 100% draw ones. For the draw units I'm keeping tabs on how many available muzzleloader tags there are, and whether or not there's an early rifle season for mule deer (like there is is Rawash, Flat Tops, Mt. Zirkel, etc). But apart from that, I'm curious as to how many people choose to archery hunt during the Sept 12-20 muzzleloader season. From what I've read, before then is primarily pattern hunting between food, water, and bedding. Afterwards seems like more of the classic rut, though the animals have had a chance to get pushed by orange. During ML is likely rut too. Based on the numbers, ML might not be that big of an issue. Some of the 100% archery draw units only give out like 30 ML tags. I imagine it can't be too hard to get away from 30 hunters in an entire unit or group of units. I can't find anything in the regs about having to wear blaze orange though unless I'm missing it. That would be a big deal. Here in the midwest, you need to wear orange while bowhunting during any concurrent firearms season. Not a huge deal in a treestand, but on the ground...

Anyways I'm just looking for some input or opinions. Some of my buddies are thinking about doing ML anyways, so it would make a convenient trip to archery hunt during that week. My thoughts otherwise would be to go the week after ML.
You are on the right track. If a unit does not hand out a lot of ML tags then you will be fine. I hunt a deer unit that is OTC for archery elk. They do not give out a lot of tags and I see maybe 2 ML hunters in 9 days. You do not have to wear orange if you are archery hunting during the ML season. This is another idiot idea by the DOW. Not sure why they make anyone wear it during these primitive seasons. You are also right on the type of hunting during Sept. If you can get away from the crowds the elk are worried about eating until about the time the ML season starts and by that time the rut is kicking in. If you want to hunt the season with your buddies you will be fine. Just get at least 1.5 to 2 miles from a road. Good luck
Lots of us bow hunters hunt right along with the muzzle loader during their short season. No reason to not hunt with them IMO. Orange is not required if you are hunting with an archery tag.
Do it most years, have only ran into one and he was hunting deer. I have talked to few over the years and most are very serious, I'll be one of them this year for deer and bear.
of course i hunt archery season all season. the muzzy week realy is not that bad. i will get heck for saying this but most are rifle hunters trying to hunt the rut. avoid trail heads,atv roads ect. you will meet cool local and rokslider muzzy types in the backcountry,but like i said,these guys are cool and worked as hard as anyone to be there.
I've seen muzzleloaders heading out on their horses in my OTC unit, but I've never ran into one. When off the beaten path, I've only ran into a couple of archery guys.
Same here. Have never hesitated to archery hunt during ML season. Used to run into 2 brothers from Grand Junction almost every fall, if they drew ML tags. Last time I saw them we sat in the sun and talked for a while. I walked the 200 yards to a little saddle I've killed 7 elk in, and almost immediately cow called up 3 cows. More good eating that year.
Same here. Have seen ml hunters on trails and at parking lots but get away from them and I have yet to run into one while in the back country. I typically like to hunt that week of ml season.
Don't forget the whole month of Sept is bear season, and it's a rifle season.

As a muzzleloader hunter. I always wish bow hunters don't hunt the muzzy season. You've got the rest of the month.
We did this last year and most the ml guys didn't hike very far. Also I was told you don't have to wear orange when bow hunting by Cdow although she advised a little.
All and all I don't really think they made any difference in our hunt.
I wouldn't worry about the ML hunters. There will be plenty of room out there to find the elk. I don't worry about the early deer hunters either. They should be above most of the elk and there aren't very many tags.
Muzzy hunters are in between the dedication levels of archery and rifle IMO. So they are going to work to that level. Work harder and you'll do fine.
Hunted last season during CO Muzzy. Never saw a Mzl hunter and only heard 1 gunshot and it was miles away.
Don't forget the whole month of Sept is bear season, and it's a rifle season.

As a muzzleloader hunter. I always wish bow hunters don't hunt the muzzy season. You've got the rest of the month.

Best bear I've ever got was taken this way. Archery hunting, but shot a B&C bear with my .44 revolver.
i will get heck for saying this but most are rifle hunters trying to hunt the rut.

I would agree with this. I have NEVER run into a ML hunter that was hunting it like I would if I was hunting the rut. Not a one has ever been calling at all, and have only seen one or two that even had a bugle with them. Every single one of them has been sitting down and set up somewhere waiting for the animals to get pushed around just like most rifle hunters. Which is really odd to me, the whole reason to hunt the ML season is because of the rut.

However, if you unknowingly have one set up close to where you're working a bull, and that bull really gets going with you......that ML hunter will most likely move in on you and make the kill.:mad:
I've overlapped the beginning and end of ML season weekends and have yet to see a ML hunter in 5 seasons. I've heard a shot or two but always mid day or dark so just figured they were unloading (or could have been any gun as I do hear occasional random shots throughout any time of season).

Only time I have ever seen orange is them driving in truck...not much threat to where I hunt.

I have told others that consider going out to CO with me that ML would be a great option, I could easily be 5 for 5 on elk if muzzleloader in my hand...great time of year to hunt hard with a firearm...
I've killed 45 bulls in the 60 years i've hunted them. I've never called one once. I also never see another hunter including bow hunters, except on the roads while I was headed to where I park.

You guys should stop putting hunters in your neat little boxes. It's the ML hunters that you don't see that are the hunters. It's like someone saying an area has no elk, because they didn't see one.
I've never understood why you always read that its the worst time to bow hunt during muzzy season. Not once can I remember of muzzy season screwing up the season during that time. IMO, I'm almost seeing it being more of an excuse for those that are either continuously being unsuccessful or just really haven't figured out how to hunt elk yet. Don't believe everything you read on the internet about how muzzy hunters ruin it. Hell just be happy you are out there hunting.
We have overlapped a day before, but most likely due to my 25th anniversary being labor day weekend, will hunt the entire muzzy season with a bow this year. We have seen a few here and there(can see them a long ways away in blaze orange) but never been bothered. Oh, and those guys were working way rougher stuff than we were hunting that day, and they were up there before we were. That bunch was pretty hard core.
I've killed 45 bulls in the 60 years i've hunted them. I've never called one once. I also never see another hunter including bow hunters, except on the roads while I was headed to where I park.

You guys should stop putting hunters in your neat little boxes. It's the ML hunters that you don't see that are the hunters. It's like someone saying an area has no elk, because they didn't see one.

I've never understood why you always read that its the worst time to bow hunt during muzzy season. Not once can I remember of muzzy season screwing up the season during that time. IMO, I'm almost seeing it being more of an excuse for those that are either continuously being unsuccessful or just really haven't figured out how to hunt elk yet. Don't believe everything you read on the internet about how muzzy hunters ruin it. Hell just be happy you are out there hunting.

We have overlapped a day before, but most likely due to my 25th anniversary being labor day weekend, will hunt the entire muzzy season with a bow this year. We have seen a few here and there(can see them a long ways away in blaze orange) but never been bothered. Oh, and those guys were working way rougher stuff than we were hunting that day, and they were up there before we were. That bunch was pretty hard core.

I agree with all - ML appears to be no threat in area I hunt - if they are there I'm not seeing them, nor do I feel it has an impact on my bowhunt. Actually considering having my dad or others apply for ML and just bowhunt that week with them. Great time of year to be hunting Elk!