Muzzleloader impact on CO Archery seasons


Apr 12, 2019
My dad used to say “ the best time to go hunting or fishing, is when ever you can”. If you don’t want to go while the black powder hunters are in the field, go the week before black powder opens. We again go when we can, and have some of our best luck the same time muzzle loader is open. You just gotta be in the right place at the right time. If your on your couch or at work, you don’t have a chance in hell of being in “ that place”.


Oct 22, 2017
In my unit the bowhunters are the hard-charger, go-getters who really pressure the elk hard and either drive them into deep holes, or down onto huge private ranches where they don't come out. ML guys mostly stay close to roads or flat-out road hunt. Also seems like they hunt for the first 2-3 days, then back off and do a lot more driving around and hanging around camp, or go home until the following Friday night.

The good news is that there are way fewer bowhunters in the woods during that week, so if you're willing to get a half mile from a road, you will be bothered less by other hunters than during the other 20 days in September when you only have to contend with deer, elk, moose, and bear archers, sheep and goat hunters, rifle bear, grouse hunters, high country rifle deer hunters, wood cutters, OHVers, mountain bikers, rifle scouters, etc..
Yeah, pressure is pressure, but kinda wondered if actually less bow hunters during the ML week....would rather hunt the zone and time of year, than worry about pressure