Bow tech - 2016 BT-X or previous yr?


Jan 2, 2013
I'm looking for a new bow. I'm starting my search and doing my research. My question is about the bowtech bows. The new BT-X sounds great. I'm thinking of shooting a 400-450gr arrow for elk. Draw length is ~27. I have a 12 yr old bow now which gets a sad sub 200 fps. My shoulder is not that strong, so looking for a 60lbs draw.

My question is should I focus on trying to get a deal on a 2015 / used bowtech or jump straight to the BT-X. Yes, I'll go to a bow shop and try a bunch of bows, but I want to hear opinions of guys that have shot other bowtechs.

Assume I know nothing of bows. I'm 3 years into archery with a hand me Mathews FX. I am blessed that I can afford a flagship bow, but would like to be smart about how I spend. I will probably keep the bows for years.

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I like the BT-X. I shoot CPXL's pretty much exclusively but if I was looking I wouldn't hesitate to get a BT-X if I had the cash to also top it with high end accessories. If you could find a used Insanity CPX you would have a very comparable bow for less money.
Just for conversation's sake. I shot a BTX-28 at 27.5" 70# on the 2nd Power Shift setting yesterday... 497 grain arrow at 273 FPS, thats fast as hell. Theres not another bow on the market that will do that at that draw length and still shoot as good as this bow can.
I really like the BTX 31, as soon as my Tacoma sells I'm getting one, my first Bowtech.

70 # @ 29.5 shot a 475 grain arrow 288 fps in the 2nd power slot. Really impressed, I can shoot a heavier arrow now and still get dang good speed
Bowtech boss or a prodigy. I agree with wapitibob and would NOT buy a 2016 for reasons that you can quickly research on line.
Oh,,,and the RPM 360 is a really good shooter as well. Boss, Prodigy or 360 would be a great choice IMHO.

I have shot the Prodigy, Boss, RPM360, Carbon Knight, and Overdrive, Fanatic, CPX, and well,,,,the Boss felt best to me. I shoot a 27.5" DL. the combonation of weight, balance, overall shootability and shot stability was great. AND that bow was super quiet shooting at 65 and 430ish grain shop arrows.

I shoot hoyt currently but bowtechs bows with the twin yoke and binary cams cannot be beat as far as tunablity. If you have the shooting ability, know how, and tools you can tune one of those bows to shoot the needle off a skeeder.
You can save a bunch of money by picking up a 2015 model.

I have a Boss. I bought it vs the Prodigy because of my 30" draw length. At your draw length you'd probably be fine with the prodigy. The boss is probably the best shooting now I have shot in several years. I have shot several different Hoyt's and an Elite E35 in the past 6 years and this Bowtech just fits me really well.
She's a tack driver @ 60 yards
Looking forward to stretching it out to 100+ over the next couple weeks

The BT-X 31 is a damn good bow! I had a 360 last year along with a Prodigy. I still have the Prodigy and the BT-X 31. I`m confused as to why anyone would say do not buy for "reasons easily searched online". Mine shoots 288 fps at 28.5/70 in the middle setting with a 425 gr arrow. The draw is easy on that setting and that's damn fast! Much easier to draw than the 360. The BT-X 28 I have not shot. However, I don't see how you can go wrong with that one if you like the draw cycle. It is a powerhouse for short draw shooters!
I know this doesn't necessarily answer the question about the BTX vs the previous models, but about a week ago I pulled the trigger on a BTX and feel it was the best move. I shot the BTX, halon 6 and 34" defiant and felt the BTX was the best. Super smooth and I love the ability to adjust the draw. The bow seemed amazingly well balanced. So for what it's worth (this is my first new bow in 10 years), I think the BTX is a great bow.

Now it's just a matter of waiting till it's ready, as the local shop was pretty backed up and i can't pick it up until next week. Waiting sucks.
So I was doing my research and read the entire ontarget7 hoyt tuning thread on archerytalk. this got me interested in defiant. then i read ontarget7's BT-X thread - now i'm back excited about the BT-X.

I've seen talk of the draw feel of the 28 vs 31 cam for someone like me with a 27 draw length. I'm leaning toward the 28" cam and then trying the 3 different setting to get the feel right. Thanks for all the input everyone.
So I was doing my research and read the entire ontarget7 hoyt tuning thread on archerytalk. this got me interested in defiant. then i read ontarget7's BT-X thread - now i'm back excited about the BT-X.

I've seen talk of the draw feel of the 28 vs 31 cam for someone like me with a 27 draw length. I'm leaning toward the 28" cam and then trying the 3 different setting to get the feel right. Thanks for all the input everyone.

Glad you enjoyed the reviews

That BT-X is one heck of a bow and surpassed my expectation and then some. I will be condensing that thread down to an article for review so I will keep you posted with that.
the btx is outstanding! i have a btx31 at 28.5" draw and 60lb maxed out close to 62lbs on #2 and it is awesome fast and still very smooth. now with that being said if money is no concern go for that, if you would like to be frugal, save money for accessories or other gear, then i would say buy an older model. i also own an experience at 28.5" 60lb maxed to 62lbs as well, and comparing the two side by side, the experience is pretty much the btx on the comfort setting.

look at the btx like this, prodigy/#3 setting on btx, and RPM360/#1 setting on btx, and the #2 setting is a fantastic medium between the two. as far as the people who have recommended the 360 for you and your bad shoulders, dont even come close to listening to them!! you absolutely do not want the 360, i also do not think you will like the carbon overdrive. the OD is a pretty harsh draw compared to all the other bowtechs, the 360 draws nice but has almost zero valley and it will want to rip your arm off if you falter in your form at all.

take what i say with a grain of salt, because we are all different and you might like different things than i do. but i did shoot every general hunting class bow from bowtech for the 16 model year before deciding on the btx. i feel like it was only the slightest bit louder and more shock than the prodigy, but was smoother and faster. those were my two leaders at the end, and i decided on the btx. prior to that i feel that the experience was probably the best hunting bow they have released to date. and again i have shot pretty much all of them (im a huge bowtech fanboy i guess, as well as a few of my hunting buddies, which is how ive shot all of them) invasion was cool, insanity was a little rough and not terribly forgiving.

its all preference man, just get out there and shoot them. im sure you could also stumble across some older models at shops as well, or from some locals that would let you shoot them and get a feel for what you like.