Bought a press, what else should I buy?

So got my strings at 4:30, had them on around 5:15(including time getting fingers lined up right and taking my time putting everything back together, triple checking routing etc). I cooked dinner during this time. Ate dinner, came back at 5:30 or so and checked ata/brace height, tied in my nock point and d loop(while contending with two kids and learning how to do this for the first time). Checked timing. Went to DQ, got back and ate banana split. Went back out, took a twist out of the lower cable since it was hitting first. Checked again - perfect.

Shot through paper - bullet hole.

Still need to tie in my peep, but that’s for tomorrow.

I can’t believe I’ve been paying for this.
I'm not the best archer out there and its never really mattered, because I really only hunt whitetails and never more than 30 yards. So to say my bow is set up well - who knows? Now this thread has me wondering if I can make it better (PSE Sitnger 3G). I've downloaded a PSE pdf on bow setup and a pdf called "the Nuts and Bolts of Archery"....

Strangley enough, very little popped up on Amazon in the way of hard copy books on bow setup/tuning. Am I missing something? Seems like someone would have made a 'bible' by now?....

And good hardcopy reference on this stuff? I like paper.
I'm not the best archer out there and its never really mattered, because I really only hunt whitetails and never more than 30 yards. So to say my bow is set up well - who knows? Now this thread has me wondering if I can make it better (PSE Sitnger 3G). I've downloaded a PSE pdf on bow setup and a pdf called "the Nuts and Bolts of Archery"....

Strangley enough, very little popped up on Amazon in the way of hard copy books on bow setup/tuning. Am I missing something? Seems like someone would have made a 'bible' by now?....

And good hardcopy reference on this stuff? I like paper.

Nuts and bolts is good, really it's pretty freaking awesome.

However if you want, take a drive south on '81 and we can play with stuff.....

I just like having guys around who are as intrigued by it as I am.
Do any of your bows run limb stops?

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Both of mine are cable stop(Ventum 33 and VXR 31.5).
I'm not the best archer out there and its never really mattered, because I really only hunt whitetails and never more than 30 yards. So to say my bow is set up well - who knows? Now this thread has me wondering if I can make it better (PSE Sitnger 3G). I've downloaded a PSE pdf on bow setup and a pdf called "the Nuts and Bolts of Archery"....

Strangley enough, very little popped up on Amazon in the way of hard copy books on bow setup/tuning. Am I missing something? Seems like someone would have made a 'bible' by now?....

And good hardcopy reference on this stuff? I like paper.
One advantage of having your own “shop” is the ability to try new stuff, and keep your own bow in tune. While you have guys that claim their bow never goes out of tune, after thousands of shots on a string it can happen… and like I mentioned before, when you do work you know it was done 100% and not sent out the door at 80% because the tech had other shit to do.

As far as books go, I had someone recommend me the Easton tuning guide as well… but honestly there is so much information available online when it comes to tuning both from manufacturers and other people the only thing I referenced a book for was basic stuff like how to tie in a d loop, nock point, and tying in the peep. There’s also a chart floating around that references what each adjustment(twisting cables/strings) does to each parameter(draw weight/ata/etc) of the bow… on top of manufacturer guides that also exist… and then there’s also a wealth of information available on archerytalk…

In short if you can read and follow directions it’s hard to **** it up.
D Loop pliers are very helpful
a few BIC lighters
I got a cheap string and arrow level
serving jig
Some BCY 3d and some powergrip servings
D-loop material
Razor blades
I bought a few brass nock points as I'll use them to set the arrow height and then tie my nock point above it.
Fletching jig and glues
Allen wrenches and torx bits

I bought a few things to start then just bought stuff as I needed it. After 2 years or so I have just about everything I could need and am figuring out what works well, what doesn't, etc.

Blackovis has free shipping and my local shop has stuff on the shelf. Otherwise I'll just throw something in the cart whenever I order arrows or other larger free shipping items from Lancaster or Hit or Miss Archery in New Mexico.
X3 for nuts and bolts, he hands out tonnes of great info

For Allen keys make sure you get a good set, and if they ever start to round toss em, life’s too short to play around with stripped hex heads

The bow shop bible app is nice, it doesn’t have anything on it that isn’t already online, but makes looking up specs easier

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X3 for nuts and bolts, he hands out tonnes of great info

For Allen keys make sure you get a good set, and if they ever start to round toss em, life’s too short to play around with stripped hex heads

The bow shop bible app is nice, it doesn’t have anything on it that isn’t already online, but makes looking up specs easier

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Last time i checked into his stuff,he had a life size skeleton propped up and arranged so it was at a full draw position to show how "stuff" should be aligned. He definitely goes above and beyond in explaining his knowledge, i really enjoyed his info.