Boston to Wyoming - 2016

Excellent story and thanks for sharing. It gets me through the post hunting season blues. And now I've got to add a Kimber rifle to my collection.
Congrats on a fantastic trip! Thanks for sharing the story. Way to stay after it, especially by yourself!
Breda great write up, love the pictures. How many days did you allocate for your round trip?

Normally I take two weeks off work, this week I had a little extra time. Past two years I leave Friday after work, hunting Sunday night, 10 full days of hunting, start the drive home on a Thursday arriving back Saturday.

You must have a very accomodating wife or no wife to be boiling the skull in the kitchen!! Good job.

Awesome post and awesome trip! I can't believe you are boiling that head inside! My wife would kill me! Great work man!

The key here - do it when she's not home. What she doesn't know...... ;)

I know that country. Used to hunt around there quite a bit. Shot several elk in that area ish. Deer have disappeared around there so don't hit it much any more. Mostly snowmobile.

Figured that someone might recognize a picture if they'd been in the area before. It's interesting - I saw more people this year (~10?) and fewer elk while hunting than I did in Montana. There were outfitters in area though and the area in Montana was more remote. With the amount of open country it also surprised me that I didn't see any Elk or Deer by glassing. So - tough hunt, I'm glad they were at least bugling. I was ready to shoot a 3-legged calf by that last morning :D

Beautiful trip and pics. I applaud the single malt in the backcountry.

There's a story behind the Dalmore. In 2014 I'd hunted over 10 days and was pretty much ready to give up. Had 3 glasses sitting at the back of my truck and decided to go out for one more morning before heading home. Arrowed my first bull the next morning with about an hour left before I was going to head back to the truck and drive home. So, with that success, and the fact that it has an Elk on the bottle - it's now a tradition...

Thanks for reading everyone!
Yeah the elk in that unit are in big herds in isolated pockets. Tough to hunt any more. I actually live in the unit but very rarely hunt it. There are a bunch of elk right behind my house all year I just don't hunt them. Deer are pretty limited there, much better options. Although there are a few big ones here and there. If you come back get a hold of me and I'll point you towards some better areas. Lots of elk around here
Yeah the elk in that unit are in big herds in isolated pockets. Tough to hunt any more. I actually live in the unit but very rarely hunt it. There are a bunch of elk right behind my house all year I just don't hunt them. Deer are pretty limited there, much better options. Although there are a few big ones here and there. If you come back get a hold of me and I'll point you towards some better areas. Lots of elk around here

Thanks for the offer. As a non-resident, I'm officially back in the Wyoming special draw with my fingers crossed. Would love to be back in Wyoming chasing Elk this year, but if not, it'll probably be Montana or Idaho.

Thanks again everyone - hope you're all making your own plans to chase Elk in 2017!
The " 3 legged calf" always gets me laughing out loud!!! Awesome write up Brother. Pics were crazy beautiful. Pretty hard core solo run. Congrats.