Border Closure Issue


Feb 28, 2015
I know it’s early in the year and lots can happen before sheep season opens but it’s not looking promising for the USA/Canada restrictions being lifted before August. I’m from Canada and have a dall sheep hunt booked for the sheep opener in Alaska. It was originally booked for 2020 but got pushed to 2021. I know it’s a long shot but is there anyone from the USA with a trip booked in the Yukon that would be interested in swapping hunts this year? Last year I offered this suggestion and had lots of interest but ran out of time so I thought I would try it earlier this year. I’ve talked to the outfitter and he thought it was a good idea. My first option is to keep my hunt in Alaska but if someone is interested in a back up plan I think this is a good option. If anyone is interested pm me and we can discuss things.
Hopefully someone takes you up on your offer. Keep in mind Yukon has strict quarantine requirements for anyone entering the territory regardless of your citizenship/residency. You may need to factor that into your travel plans.
I seen that Alaska has lifted some travel restrictions so things are starting to look up. Good Luck to you
Is the issue on the Canada side? As of right now there shouldn't be a problem going to Alaska for a sheep hunt. Alaska outfitters are booking hunts even for this spring.
Both ways I still see an issue. I can leave Canada but coming home I’ll need to isolate for 2 weeks. Entering Alaska doesn’t look very easy either. Hopefully it gets better by August but it doesn’t look promising.
I have the time to isolate after I leave my Alaska hunt, but using the 6 foot rule would prevent any bush flights.
Both ways I still see an issue. I can leave Canada but coming home I’ll need to isolate for 2 weeks. Entering Alaska doesn’t look very easy either. Hopefully it gets better by August but it doesn’t look promising.
Border is only closed for auto traffic, if your flying it's not a issue.
Border is only closed for auto traffic, if your flying it's not a issue.
Returning to Canada is the issue.

Need to come with a negative test in the last three days
Once landed you have to go to a federally approved quarantine Hotel and stay there until a negative test comes back - this will cost upwards of $2000. Once you get your negative test then you can go home and finish your 14-day quarantine where you're given another test at home before you can come out of quarantine.
Wait, You have to get a negative test results in the US with 72 hours of arriving in Canada and then take another test i. Canada when you land. Then wait for that test results. Two test within 72 hours? That doesn't seem right.
Both ways I still see an issue. I can leave Canada but coming home I’ll need to isolate for 2 weeks. Entering Alaska doesn’t look very easy either. Hopefully it gets better by August but it doesn’t look promising.
I believe Trudeau just announced some new restictions. Check his facebook page. Personally your great country just got there first tyrant.
I have a Yukon Dall Sheep hunt booked so I might be interested. What are the details on your Alaskan Outfitter? I'm booked with Yukon Peak.
How much do Canadians pay for say, a stone sheep hunt, if they go through an outfitter?
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How much do Canadians pay for say, a stone sheep hunt, if they go through an outfitter?
Generally we would pay the advertised price (in USD). I know on occasion an outfitter may be inclined to give a slight discount to a Canadian resident , but with the demand for sheep hunts this is pretty rare. Especially for a stone sheep hunt...