Boot Fit Questions, Schnee's Beartooth II Testing

Jan 28, 2017
TLDR Version:
The Beartooth's give me considerable pain in my arch while hiking with weight. I don't think it's a stiffness issue because the same weighted hike with trail runners does not cause this pain.

Long-winded Version:
I'm in the middle of preparing for my first goat hunt and need some boot advice. Up to this point, all my western hunting has been done using Cabela's/Meindl Ultralights and Salomon X Ultra Mid 2s. Reading forums and listening to podcasts, I figured I "needed" some stiffer boots. The Meindl Ultralights are super comfortable, but are a pretty sloppy fit and not much stiffer than my trail running shoes.

When visiting family in Bozeman this past New Year holiday, I went boot shopping (Kenetrek and Schnee's) and came home the new uninsulated Beartooth II.

After about 15 gentle flat-land miles (BZN to DFW airport day, Dallas Safari Club convention, a day at the office), they felt great but eventually felt like a cast if I wore them very long. No big deal, off to the "real" tests:

All my hiking is done on about a 1.5 mile lap around my property. It's unimproved pasture, creek bottom, and a pond dam. Average slope of 7%, pond dam is 28%. This is as good as I can do in north east Texas. I'm using an Exo Mountain Gear K2 with crib load panel and bags of Sakrete.

Test 1 - 80# (Various Insoles, tested on different days)
Schnee's Insole
My first mile with 80# was pretty rough. Within about ¾ of a mile I was in pain and actually cut the planned 4.5 mile hike short after only 1.5 miles. Most all the discomfort was in the arch of my foot.

Superfeet Blue
No real improvement from the Schnee's Insole.

Superfeet Green
Moderate improvement. I felt a bit better about this hike.

So after Test 1 I decided maybe hiking with 80# just sucks and my feet need to strengthen. No doubt my feet can improve, but I train very consistently throughout the year with everything from heavy barbells to mid distance running and rucking, so it's not a general fitness issue. One take away was that despite being uninsulated, my feet get hot in these boots. Hence Test 2.

Test 2 - Hot Feet (A comparison of my 400 gram thinsulate Meindls and the uninsulated Beartooths)
Walked about 2 miles, and as expected, no difference. Temperature here in Texas has been anywhere from 20*F to 60*F during these tests.

Test 3 - 40# (Different footwear, all on the same hike).
I reduced pack weight to 40# and started hiking my course. The 40# felt great on my back after training with 80# for a while. Unfortunately, by that same ¾ mile mark, the pain in my arches was back. Considerable pain. By the end of my 1.5 mile lap I knew that the pain would slow me down hunting. Out of curiosity, I laced up my old Meindl Ultralights and did the same 1.5 mile lap. No pain, just an enjoyable hike. These Meindls have a much roomier fit (somewhat sloppy). For further comparison, I actually wore my Brooke's Cascadia trail runners for a third lap, and they felt considerably better than the Beartooths, although I did get a little arch pain at the very end of my hike on the pond dam.

I feel like Test 3 ruled out the pain being a stiffness issue. It must be a fit issue. I've never had problems with footwear in the past. Have any of you had similar issues? All the pain is in the arch of my foot. Could it be the boot are just too narrow? I typically buy wide sizes but the normal widths felt okay in the store.

I still believe I need a stiffer boot than my Meindl's for chasing goats. Maybe I don't?

I've contacted Schnee's for their thoughts and to ask about returns or exchanges.

Here are my current considerations:

1. Exchange for the Schnee's Absaroka in wide (EE). Hopefully the width gives me a better fit. I'm also thinking the 6" height may make the boot run cooler.

2. Return the Beartooth's. Contact Lathrop & Son's.

3. Return the Beartooth's. Consider Crispi Nevada, something from Lowa, or maybe some wide Kenetreks. (The Kenetreks I tried felt too stiff). I also tried some Kuiu/Scarpa that felt good albeit a bit narrow.

Make no mistake, the Beartooth IIs are by far the highest quality boot I've ever worn. They just don't seem to fit me.



Jun 19, 2017
I think you should discuss your issue with a podiatrist or professional bootfitter. The president of Schnee's is usually in the store and is very knowledgeable the few times I've run in to him.

Based on my experience, "pain in the arch" sounds like plantar fasciitis to me (I've dealt with it off an on for most of my adult life, mostly from working construction). Mine flares up when I'm wearing footwear that isn't supportive enough...or when I'm wearing footwear that is too short. My arch is longer than my foot size, so I usually have to go up half a size to get proper arch support. If the arch fits too short, I find that I stride with a lot of tension on my plantar fascia and it ends up somewhat similar to tendonitis after a hard day.

I also went with a Superfeet Carbon in my Beartooth 1s per Schnee's recommendation and have had no foot issues since then. I was getting minor tenderness/bruising under the heel and ball with the stock insoles. The v2s have better insoles, but they do not compare to superfeets in support in my opinion.
Apr 1, 2013
I had similar issue.

11.5W felt great but to short so returned for 12.5W, perfect width and length but I tried every way to keep heel locked but couldn’t, also killed my arch/forefoot similar to you. Tried three insoles. Not a stiffness issue my non waterproof/unisulated boots are hanwag yukons, I also have an 8 year old pair of Gronells that finally gave out. Overall think the arch pain would eventually go away, but can’t shrink a heel pocket.

I will say schnees partnered with right company. Excellent boot just couldn’t make it work. Actually kind of depressing I really wanted to make it work. So back on hunt for lightly insulated, waterproof boot, preferably not goretex
Jan 28, 2017
Schnee's said I could return the boots. If the return goes well, I'll have nothing but good things to say about their customer service. I'm not sure how difficult it is to sale gently used boots online, but Schnee's is helping me avoid that trouble.

My next three boots of interest:
1. Schnee's Absaroka (I would love to find a Schnee's boot that works. I'd try this one in a size up EE. texans42 comment above makes me doubt this option.)
2. Crispi Nevada (Similar construction to the Beartooth which I like. A bit shorter which I think I'd prefer. I've also read "roomy" toebox which could solve my Beartooth problems.)
3. Lathrop & Sons Mountain Hunter