Book Recommendation

Steven Rinellas book the "American Buffalo" has also been a good read thus far. Good mix of history and hunting.
Once you get started on the Vince Flynn will read all of them. Total page turners.

Even my wife loves Mitch Rapp.....

^Definitely these. I got started on them and burned through them all in no time. I need to go back and read them again, been a few years. Any of Rinella's books are good and easy reads as well. Not sure I would want to lug either of the 'Complete Guides' into the woods though. If you like books about Africa then anything by Peter Capstick is entertaining. His 'Death in the Silent Places' is all about various badasses and their adventures.
^Definitely these. I got started on them and burned through them all in no time. I need to go back and read them again, been a few years. .....
In audio book form they are guaranteed to make any long drive shorter...or long hike for that matter. VF has passed away [RIP]....but did you hear they have a new one coming out soon from his notes?
DEATH IN THE LONG GRASS. Peter Hathaway Capstick

The man can turn a phrase. He talks about unfortunate elephant hunters being on the receiving end of "The stomp and stir method" of dispatch. Their corpses volume multiplying with the amount of dirt worked in and being carted off in five gallon pails "...having taken on the consistency of hairy cookie dough."

It's really a collection of short stories about guys getting lunched, so you could break up the reading time if you can put it down.
Sand County Almanac - Aldo Leupold
The Big Sky series - A.B. Guthrie
No Country For Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
American Buffalo and MeatEater - Steven Rinella
Bravo Two Zero - Andy McNabb
I know the OP is long gone on his trip, but I like seeing all the good suggestions. I can't believe no one's mentioned this one yet, but Mountain Man by Vardis Fisher is a good read. It's the book that Jeremiah Johnson is loosely based off of.
Hey guys thanks for all the recommendations. I actually bought the first recommendation called River of Doubt since I was leaving so soon. We had a great camping trip. I haven't got to read a lot of the book yet but I'm enjoying it so far.
Some good BC based books include Pat Ferguson's "Gone Hunting" and "Gone Huning Again", Bob Henderson's "Land of the Red Goats", Red Sorenson's "A Man Called Red". The best thing is these old timers are still alive and great to talk to in person as well as reading about their northern BC adventures.

There are a few others too but my books are loaned out and I am not sure of the exact book titles and author's names.
Sand County Almanac - Aldo Leupold
The Big Sky series - A.B. Guthrie
No Country For Old Men - Cormac McCarthy
American Buffalo and MeatEater - Steven Rinella
Bravo Two Zero - Andy McNabb

Theses are good. I have enjoyed everything by rinella. I would also add a few oldies that I have been rereading not exactly military history but in that vein:

Blood Meridian - Cormac Mccarthy
Gates of fire, the profession - Steven pressfield
Bernard Cornell - 1814' the last kingdom series, the archer series, agincourt