Bobcat vs. Rattlesnake

Sep 23, 2016
That’s a dangerous meal.
I wonder if mammals other than humans aren't more resistant to rattlesnake venom. My unlce had a lab he paid pretty decent money for that was a magnet to rattlesnakes. Each time it got bit, he'd rush it to the vet, put it on antibiotics and it would recover. After 1/2 dozen times of it happening he got sick of paying the vet fees and medicine bills, so the next time it happened he let the dog be with the attitude if it dies so be it....

dog recovered in about 1/2 the time it took when it was on meds and had less of a reaction. Just one example obviously but.....


Jan 21, 2015
I wonder if mammals other than humans aren't more resistant to rattlesnake venom. My unlce had a lab he paid pretty decent money for that was a magnet to rattlesnakes. Each time it got bit, he'd rush it to the vet, put it on antibiotics and it would recover. After 1/2 dozen times of it happening he got sick of paying the vet fees and medicine bills, so the next time it happened he let the dog be with the attitude if it dies so be it....

dog recovered in about 1/2 the time it took when it was on meds and had less of a reaction. Just one example obviously but.....
I know with dogs specifically it can depend on where they are bitten. A paw I wouldn't personally be as worried about, it will likely swell and be ok after a few days. In the neck it could swell and shut off the airway suffocating the dog.

I'm sure every case is different but the few lab sized dogs I've seen bitten never died from the venom without going to a vet, just had the leg swell for a few days and moved on. My neighbors little toy dog did die when bit in the chest but I never heard whether that was from the venom or closing an airway or what.

I really hate finding a rattlesnake with my dog out regardless, I'd just prefer he avoid them in the first place than deal with a bite.

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Dec 27, 2013
Durango CO
I wonder if mammals other than humans aren't more resistant to rattlesnake venom. My unlce had a lab he paid pretty decent money for that was a magnet to rattlesnakes. Each time it got bit, he'd rush it to the vet, put it on antibiotics and it would recover. After 1/2 dozen times of it happening he got sick of paying the vet fees and medicine bills, so the next time it happened he let the dog be with the attitude if it dies so be it....

dog recovered in about 1/2 the time it took when it was on meds and had less of a reaction. Just one example obviously but.....

I’m not sure. That is a good question. For example, do deer ever get bitten by poisonous snakes? You’d think it would be inevitable. Does a bobcat even intrinsically recognize that a snake is venomous or is he just avoiding a potential bite?


Jul 29, 2016
TX - Texas
I’m not sure. That is a good question. For example, do deer ever get bitten by poisonous snakes? You’d think it would be inevitable. Does a bobcat even intrinsically recognize that a snake is venomous or is he just avoiding a potential bite?
a biologist in STX suggested rattlesnake as a possible culprit in a deer death on some property my folks have. fwiw

to the question above. my brother has a german short hair that was bit in the chest. it was touch and go for a while. this was the 3rd time that dog had been bit...per the vet the previous two bites probably helped it survive the 3rd. also that fella in the meateater podcast cited rattlesnakes as a mortality source for the ocelots


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
I've read that 50% of rattlesnake bites are dry bites on larger critters including people. But I'm sure the species of rattlesnake and its size also makes a difference. Those Diamondbacks can inject a heck of a lot of venom.
Oct 17, 2020
I saw that video too. Funny how the bad ass cat is ultimately just a cat. I like he rolls around afterwards. I saw another video of a bobcat coming up to the end of a turkey hunter's shotgun barrel and sniffing it. I kept expecting him to rub his face on it.