Blue marlin

Holy moly. You guys are awesome and frustrating at the same time. Lmao. Thats alot of good stuff.
Gotta admit I don't F all about marlin. It's on my wifes list of things
Always said she wants to go too Florida and catch blue marlin.
I just broke the bad news to my wife about Florida.

Recon I got tons of reading to do
Sorry to highjack DeadWood’s thread, but what about the charter fishing off of Galveston in beginning of June? Cause that’s where we will be first two weeks in June? Gotta get to some salt water after this long winter.
So the issue is the distance to the continental shelf edge. Closest at the Mexican border and off Venice La. As you go up the coast of Tx the distance increases from 50 to 70 then 100 + miles off Galveston so the length of the boat ride before the lines go in the water becomes an issue. This applies to pelagics- billfish,wahoo,tuna. If you want to fish for snapper,mahi then its not an issue. Check out 2 cool fishing for Tx fishing info. Snapper season opens in early June, generally ends late july early august determined by the NMFS and TPWD.
Since you're already that far west I would suggest going to Kona, HI.
It's one of the best places in the world for Marlin.
One of the best things about there is the water depth drops straight off so you can actually start fishing as soon as you clear the harbor. No need for several hours getting to & from the shelf. We fished 3 days, caught multiple fish each day & never went further than 5 miles offshore.
Generally speaking the seas are very calm there compared to the east coast especially here in NC. It's a crap shoot just to get out some days without getting the shit kicked out of you so if you do come here you need to plan on possibly staying extra days.
And have a serious conversation with your wife about your tolerance for rough seas. Some captains will still go out in 6-8' or more depending on circumstances. That's no fun brother.
Kona may be more expensive overall but I would imagine your wife would settle for going to HI, no?

HI 1.jpgHi 2.jpg
Personally I quit flying in May 2002. So I'm out on some of the places. My wife may be interested in going with a friend. I'm definitely interested in N.C. though...Can drive there...😏
Magdelena Bay, Baja California Sur in November. I have a good lodge/charter referral if you're interested. Could also share my experiences there.

I’ve been to Costa Rica twice and the boat I chartered hooked a blue marlin every third trip so they are easier to access there.

Here’s a link to a where I go and it’s probably the best bang for your Buck
In Central America:

Things looks pretty reasonable. I needed a new daydream. Thanks
We are 1 for 3 on blue marlin over the years out of Marathon, FL. Definitely not common or a gimme. That said a friend of mine took 3 trips to Central America for them and never hooked one.