Blonde Black Bear


Jan 25, 2021
Vancouver Island British Columbia
Have friends that hunt Alberta and see colour phase bears there. Personally, I've seen 4, all in south east BC between Radium and Cranbrook.

One was in 2012, a beautiful light brown colour phase black bear. It was an absolute beautiful mature bear and if I were not on a spring Grizzly hunt at the time (when that was a thing here), I would have taken him without hesitation.

The other three (way back in 2008) were in Sept archery elk hunting. Was a brownish sow with 2 light brown yearling cubs, and a interestingly a third cub that was black. The sow with cubs was in an area about 150 km south of where I saw the larger lone bear on the griz hunt.

Here on Vancouver Island our bears are usually jet black sometimes with a white blaze on the chest. Even their muzzles are black compared to the mainland bears that that often have a brownish muzzle.

On some part of Vancouver Island and the coast, there are a few white or blue (Glacier) colour phases of the Black Bear. These bears are protected and it is against the law to shoot them.


Jan 12, 2021
I live in PA and I've seen a bunch of bears, but I've never heard of bears that color. I've only seen them with white patches on their chest.