I own(ed) numerous binoculars (just have a passion for optics), including 3x versions of SLCs. Of the Swarovskis the 42mm SLC is my hands-down favorite, very crisp and detailed view with great depth of field and exceptional handling. Not a huge fan of the focus mechanism as I find it very slow and a bit unrefined - but it isn’t a deal-breaker.
Just took a bunch of my binoculars out for a spin this morning and compared them directly with the SLCs. Taking my Zeiss SFs out of consideration as they are in a higher price bracket, I found the new Zeiss SFLs compete very well optically, are lighter, IMO handle slightly better, and have a better focuser than the SLCs. I’m not slamming the SLCs as they are still a gem and I still very much enjoy using them. But this thread is asking if there is anything in their price range that competes. To me, the SFLs are a solid “new purchase” alternative. Personally I would not buy the Kahles Helia S as it is not for sale in the USA - to be completely legal someone needs to pay the import duty, and service might be a bit complicated - not to mention it is just plain ugly.
Know there are many Maven fans here (me too). But after having multiple Maven models side-by-side with the SLC, I find the SLC view just a smidge sharper, easier, deeper. To me, the SLC is an entry-level alpha. If looking for incredible value and close to SLC performance the Mavens and Zeiss Conquest are serious contenders. IMO the new SFL is the direct competitor in the SLC’s former price range.