Binocular Comparison 10x42


Apr 30, 2023
I'm looking at upgrading binoculars from older Vortex Viper. My top 2 contenders are are based on price. Option 1) Zeiss Conquest HD in 10x42. Option 2) Leica Ultravid HD in 10x42. Here in Canada the Leica runs about $1200 more than the zeiss. My question is the Conquest HD an absolute bargin for quality or will isee a noticeable improvement in view by saving for the Ultravids? Trying to decide if the extra $$$ is worth it. Optical use will be western mountain and open country spot and stalk hunting, and a spotter will always be along. Thanks in advance for any input or feedback.
Have you had a chance to compare them side by side or tested either pair out individually? That would be helpful before purchasing, but I understand it isn’t always possible. I have only handled these in a store setting, so my experience isn’t worth as much as someone who has actually used them in the field!

I think the Zeiss would be a great step up from your Vipers and probably gives up very little optically to the Leicas. I think the $1200 difference could be spent on other gear that would make a bigger impact on your hunting success than the Leicas.

I would definitely try a pair out before purchasing (or order from a store with a good return policy) to make sure they fit your face, are comfortable to hold, and you like the diopter/focus wheel. Once you get to the higher end binos, these factors matter more and more as the optical performance can be really close.

If it isn’t on your radar, keep an eye on our Optics Classifieds page here on RS and Birdforum classifieds. Used optics are a great deal in my experience.
@nnmarcher. Thanks for the reply, that's kind of what my thoughts are too. I have only been able to look at each separately in store. I find it hard to notice optical differences between them when only looking inside. I'm hopeful someone has some hands on feedback with the Ultravid, even if it was a comparison with something other than vortex. Otherwise it appears like splitting hairs over big dollars.
If you compare them side by side -- don't do it in the store. Take them outside and look at objects a mile away. The resolution is what you're looking for and a tree at a mile will show you the difference far better than the other side of the store!
Thanks @Crockett, I think I may have to order and try both at home. No stores close to me carry the Ultravids for an outdoor comparison with the zeiss. Since both binoculars will be online purchase I was hoping to tap people's experience to see if the higher end is worth the extras $1200. I know everyone's eyes are different, but in the store I really couldn't tell them apart.
They zeiss conquest HD are great binoculars in the sub $1k. The wide field of view and resolution are excellent. I’ve noticed some CA in bright snowy conditions, but still think they are the best bino unless you are looking to spend $2k-$3k.
I ran the conquests for a lot of years and they never disappointed. I "upgraded" to the Zeiss SF last year. The SFs are great but you pay for it. For under 1k I don't think you can go wrong with the Conquests. They are better than swaro slcs to my eyes.
@KU_Geo, thanks for the feedback. I do find the Conquest HD to be very feature rich where it's hard to tell if they are worth the upgrade sometimes.
@Whaledriver appreciate the real world experience. The top tier alpha is out of budget for me but the middle tier is possible. Still, all the positive feedback is making the Conquest seem like a no-brainer.
For under 1k I don't think you can go wrong with the Conquests. They are better than swaro slcs to my eyes.
I agree with some of this. IMO the SLC has a noticeably superior build quality. So better is a bit misleading. I prefer 8x and the FOV is smaller on the Conquest. The view itself is always subjective, but I prefer the SLC's as a total package, but the Conquest is no slouch and cheaper.
That is why I said "my eyes" when describing optically. I think we would agree that there is not 1k additional worth of "build quality" in a SLC bino.
I’ve heard the Zeiss are worth the money a number of my buddies swear by them. I’m too cheap. Speaking of which, you selling your old vipers?