Bighorn Sheep unlimited areas Montana

No need for the hostility. As a hunter who has killed every big game animal with a bow in the lower 48 only missing a sheep, I thought reaching out to fellow hunters was a good first step. If people feel comfortable in sharing which units they like or areas to avoid, that only advantageous to everyone on here. No need for hate.
Hostile? Hate? Lighten up Francis. No emotions in anything I wrote, just honest feedback. When I wrote that I had about as much emotion as when I am flushing the toilet after a giant deuce. If honest feedback on a public forum hurts your feelings, maybe run back to your safe space and take Thinhorn with you.

With the humble brag "I have killed all the L48 w my bow" in your reply, it is now clear to me that this was a troll post from the get-go, and to watch others get triggered on your behalf is really pretty comical. Good job on that. You may not be much of a hunter, but you sure can get some bites on the troll (y)
Hostile? Hate? Lighten up Francis. No emotions in anything I wrote, just honest feedback. When I wrote that I had about as much emotion as when I am flushing the toilet after a giant deuce. If honest feedback on a public forum hurts your feelings, maybe run back to your safe space and take Thinhorn with you.

With the humble brag "I have killed all the L48 w my bow" in your reply, it is now clear to me that this was a troll post from the get-go, and to watch others get triggered on your behalf is really pretty comical. Good job on that. You may not be much of a hunter, but you sure can get some bites on the troll (y)

So anybody who has killed more stuff than you is a troll???
I swear, next time I see somebody mouth off to somebody else for asking about the unlimited, I'm just going to divuldge every single bit of info I know right out in public. I've never understood how seemingly happy people can turn into such arrogant (i'll skip the name calling) because somebody asks about that place. If you don't want to share information, don't. No need for insults, you aren't better than somebody else because they asked for information.

Its every hunting forum on this site. I asked some weather/gear related questions on the Elk Forum a few years ago and a few showed up each time. I was going on an outfitted hunt, it was on private ground. I just asked about typical weather for the dates and elevation and it brought out the snarky, shitty comments.

The only reason I felt compelled to post today was because after the comments a dude that actually hunted there comes through with some knowledgeable, worthwhile advice about the place and I found that comical.
Go right up Carpenter Creek about 5miles and look to your right. Head towards the headwall -locals call it Conrad's Corner.... Bring three pairs of boots, one pair for hiking, one for creek crossings and one pair to chew on when you're unsuccessful.
I have done this hunt. The big miles, giant mountains and few animals are all pretty obvious. But the weather can be down right scary. We woke up to a surprise 3 feet of snow one morning. We had gone a crazy distance off trail through hellish blow down. If we got any more snow it could have gotten real serious real fast. You can't over prepare for the beartooths in September.

As for where to go... I put a couple hundred miles on my boots that summer and that information isn't shared often.
I hunted one of the unlimited units with a few friends. One had a goat tag, the other sheep, and 2 of us were along to help. Total of 14 days for 2 of us, and 8 for the other 2. B&C goat down opening morning, didnt see a sheep until the 2nd to last day. Ended up packing out a ram and goat that trip.

It was grueling with no horses and even if we had them, not easy. Guy with the sheep tag is nothing short of a legend. Lots of griz, rugged steep mtns, and its unforgiving. Id say we got lucky that trip. The video of it is one of my prized possessions, and even though I was just helping pack, it was an awesome experience.

You saw a ram, shouldnt have said where, and it wont be there once the season starts. The successful guys pay to get lucky, or dont and get lucky, or scout like its the end of the world to even have a chance. Start where you seen em…
Hey guys/gals I’m looking for some information on Bighorn sheep hunting in the unlimited draw for Montana. I understand it’s some rugged country but I don’t know which unit to try or where to hike to to find sheep. Spotted one up by mystic lake last year and it started to peak my interest. Any advice on where to start would be appreciated. If anyone has harvested one in these areas I’d love to talk to you.

There is another thread on another website that is several years and at least a couple thousand posts long. There have been successful hunters and very experienced unlimited hunters comment on their experiences. There are many wise comments talking about equipment, weather, scouting, water availability, experiences and successes. All incredibly valuable information. But, and I have followed this thread for yrs, you will find almost ZERO information about locations. As have others have said before, this information is hard learned and rarely shared.
2 posts and both are on this thread. Probably a troll

If you are actually serious, then this is extremely poor form, and you are not worthy of such an accomplishment. Go in and figure it out yourself. Anyone who knows where to go learned it by burning their own boot leather and probably several years of failure. You are both insulting them and disrespecting the time and energy they put into learning it.
Wow! guy asks for help and that's how you treat him? Good thing not every one shares your opinion. Last time I checked that's how someone learns, someone else teaches them. We are all in control of our own emotions, if someone feels insulted or disrespected over some questions they may have a character flaw. Also, who are you to say if someone is worthy or not? Just curious.
I swear, next time I see somebody mouth off to somebody else for asking about the unlimited, I'm just going to divuldge every single bit of info I know right out in public. I've never understood how seemingly happy people can turn into such arrogant (i'll skip the name calling) because somebody asks about that place. If you don't want to share information, don't. No need for insults, you aren't better than somebody else because they asked for information.
Do it! I don't understand why people are this way either, I think the ones that respond in this manner miss what hunting is all about.
Do it! I don't understand why people are this way either, I think the ones that respond in this manner miss what hunting is all about.

Hunting is all about sharing hunting spots on a public forum? The guy made a comment that he’s killed every species of game in North America and in the same breath asked for details on where to kill a bighorn in the unlimited areas. The responses he’s getting are very realistic considering what he is asking for. In my opinion, this is exactly what’s wrong with the way hunting is going. Instead of going out and having an adventure and actually hunting, people turn to social media for handouts. Between this and the guys who drew Colorado sheep tags looking for GPS coordinates of old sheep kills, I’m pretty disgusted with the current system of “what hunting is all about”.

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Hey guys/gals I’m looking for some information on Bighorn sheep hunting in the unlimited draw for Montana. I understand it’s some rugged country but I don’t know which unit to try or where to hike to to find sheep. Spotted one up by mystic lake last year and it started to peak my interest. Any advice on where to start would be appreciated. If anyone has harvested one in these areas I’d love to talk to you.


Never mind the squealers.

Perspective: I have never hunted sheep in the current unlimited areas in the Beartooths (used to hunt when there were unlimited areas in the Spanish Peaks years ago), but I've been up there for 'fun' many times, admittedly several years ago, and as you know it's a serious haul. But so are a lot of pack trips in the mountains and the weather there isn't any different from the rest of the Beartooths, Absorkees, Crazies, and all the rest from North to South in the Rocky Mountains.

As suggested earlier, check the harvest records and talk to the biologists if you can, please search here and other forums for past threads. GREAT information.

Just for distance and logistics alone, I'd personally pick 300 or 303, even with the stories of people who hunt a ton and never see a legal ram. If I had more time on my hands, region 500 just to be there. I'd be packing a wolf tag as well.

If you live in Montana or can travel easy, I strongly recommend a late summer backpack trip to the region of your choice with a pistol and fly rod and glass like crazy to get familiar. Such a beautiful places to be if the weather is right and when most of the snow is gone.

No mystery, the hunting is different than a normal high country backpack trip due to lack of trails, and crossing rock slides in some areas. My pride gets hurt watching other people nimbly leap from rock to rock on these slides like goats as I pick my way like a dandy. It's also different from some backpack trips because it's later in the fall with a higher chance of snow. Personally, if there's a high chance of precip, I'm gone. Evening thunder storms come through all the time in the summer and early fall, I'll bet there's still a 'stain' in region 500 from a bolt that I swear hit 1/128" inch from my tent one summer.

Hope you get up there and keep after your archery hunt goals, great opportunity for anyone who wants to hunt sheep and you can't win if you don't play.
No need for the hostility. As a hunter who has killed every big game animal with a bow in the lower 48 only missing a sheep, I thought reaching out to fellow hunters was a good first step. If people feel comfortable in sharing which units they like or areas to avoid, that only advantageous to everyone on here. No need for hate.
Man, I'd love to see pics of your Tule and Roosevelt elk.
Hunting is all about sharing hunting spots on a public forum? The guy made a comment that he’s killed every species of game in North America and in the same breath asked for details on where to kill a bighorn in the unlimited areas. The responses he’s getting are very realistic considering what he is asking for. In my opinion, this is exactly what’s wrong with the way hunting is going. Instead of going out and having an adventure and actually hunting, people turn to social media for handouts. Between this and the guys who drew Colorado sheep tags looking for GPS coordinates of old sheep kills, I’m pretty disgusted with the current system of “what hunting is all about”.

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Hmm? I must have missed it where he asked for an exact location. I think he asked for advise and general location, game and fish would tell you that. What I'm hearing from you is that you want everyone to hunt and scout the way you think they should. Everyone has life circumstances and maybe because of these circumstances some of them don't fit into your idea of "what hunting is all about" but I'm sure they still have an adventure and hunt. Thanks for your input, God Bless
plenty of resources elsewhere that are better covered and have more information than anything you're going to get here. Start hunting those down first.
boy theres a lot of butt hurt people on the internet surprise surprise.... haha anyways I've spent hundreds of days in 501 some sheep hunting and a lot more deer and elk hunting. never packed a tag myself but have a buddy who killed a couple in 501 over the years he also spent quite a few years unsuccessful in there as well... as everyone has said be ready to see very few sheep or no sheep at all. Theres places in the UL's that you'll see plenty of grizzly bears but also places where there pretty damn scarce. don't be afraid of the bears just respect them and be a decent human and keep a clean camp and you'll be just fine. my first trip in there was in 2013 I think maybe 12 and the only time we got into lots of griz was hunting the park shocker right?!?! Most everywhere else way over 75% black bears. although black bears tend to be more of nuisance when it comes to tearing up camps that grizzlies anyways. Theres literally b looks written about killing sheep in the UL's google them theres hundreds of pages with locations and pics that'll really help a guy out. critters are scarce up there though in all forms though few elk few deer lots of men goats and almost 0 sheep so hunt hard if its hot hunt the edges of the timber in the early mornings and evenings and find water up high not for you but the sheep gotta drink somewhere. don't get discouraged. if you see other hunters and you're a long ways in and your not aware of rams being there you either lucked into a good spot or you're all stupid and wasting your time and energy haha. the beartooths are no different than any other mountains weather wise as stated above. it can get damn cold in October and nov but the quotas will most likely be filled by then anyways so thats of no concern. if you DM me ill pass on some places I've been up there cuz by the looks of things I'm might get hunted down by fellow forum members if I dare expose where I went in the unlimited and didnt kill a sheep too haha good luck and enjoy being in the high country. big black bears up there but in MT you Gotta pack the meat out too so I wouldn't be blasting any black bears 14 miles from the truck at 11,000 ft...ouch have a damn good pair of boots you like that are sheep country tested.
The most enjoyable part of the Unlimiteds is learning the country over the course of time. This process will show you more wild country and make you a better hunter. The best hunters in the UL's will tell you that the more you know, the more you realize how much you have to learn. The UL's are changing all the time and have for decades. There are patterns you'll learn but nothing stays the same forever. Just don't hunt dead rams, that's my only advice.
I have a question that is off topic. I saw that zero sheep was harvested in Zone 500 this year, I have never been in 500 but it usually harvests 2 or more sheep. Was there a die off in that zone or wildfires. I was just curious, I hope it is just a funny year and the sheep are still healthy, the few that live in that area.