Big spotter question.

Mar 10, 2017
North Dakota
I'm looking at getting a new "bigger" spotter. I currently have 12X42 nl pures and a kowa TSN-554. My question is how much better is the kowa Tsn-88s vs the swaro sts 80hd spotter. I do like kowa glass but the store around me "scheels" carries swarovski and I have gift cards saved up.
First you can't go wrong with Swarovski and they hold thier value the best. All that said Kowa is better glass and often cheaper.

Here's a review on biggest glass on the market-

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If you currently have a KOWA you are used to the focus knobs. When I have been glassing with others, and they have their Swaro's and we are switching back and forth, the first comment they make is how much easier it is to focus the KOWA. Not a big deal, but still, something to think about. They also comment on how much clearer my KOWA is than their Swaro. NOT MY WORDS, theirs. :giggle:
If you currently have a KOWA you are used to the focus knobs. When I have been glassing with others, and they have their Swaro's and we are switching back and forth, the first comment they make is how much easier it is to focus the KOWA. Not a big deal, but still, something to think about. They also comment on how much clearer my KOWA is than their Swaro. NOT MY WORDS, theirs. :giggle:
I consider it a big deal when someone is spending a couple thousand dollars. Kowa focus is certainly better, I've owned both and won't be going back to a Swarovski spotter.
@WeiserBucks did you get to look through both of them before you bought the kowa? Unless I can get scheels to stock them, I don't really see myself being able to look through one.

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Negative, I had a Swarovski 80 for a while and sold it due to lack of use. Bought a Kowa after 647 hours of research and a leap of faith. They're both good, Kowa is just a better overall package in my opinion.
Swaro was so big and heavy that I almost never carried it, just a $3k paperweight. Bought a smaller Kowa and after spending a little time with it I really appreciate the dual focus and glass quality is as good as anything you'll find.