BIG Snake


david long

While walking my dogs today, I came across something very interesting. 40 yards from my backyard, I found this snake. He apparently stuck his head into this soda can, but was unable to get it back out. That had to be one slow, miserable death! A neighbor and I tore the can apart to get a look at his head.

The snake measured 56" long

I would bet a kid shoved the snakes head in there! What kind of snake is that?
Yet another reason I am glad to live in Alaska: No Snakes! Great pics, but I would rather meet that critter dead then alive...snakes kind of creep me out!
Makes one wonder if that snake was smelling or following a mouse that was in that Pepsi can and it got stuck and died. The only snakes that concern me are the ones typically that can hurt me or ruin my day by biting me like rattlesnakes. Snakes like this Bull snake are cool with me. They help with taking down some of that rodent population.
I love those things and bring them back to the house when they're over 4 ft. They take care or the globes and ground squirrels in the wifeys garden. I would agree that someone pro ably did that purposely.
I cannot stand snakes!! BUT I never wish a painfull death on anything. I'm getting better with the non venomous variety but the ones that rattle probably wont make it through our encounter.
That is a huge Bull Snake, when they are that big I tend to refrain from picking them up!

Been seeing quite a few bull snakes around my place in NM, we need them big time! there are mice and rats everywhere due to a mild winter.

The other day my wife called me and said she stopped to coax one off of the road unfortunately it didn't do what she wanted it to do and it went up into the chassis of her car, so I told her just to continue on, she drove all over the place and the next day I took her car to the store and when I pulled out of the garage the snake was lying on the floor and still healthy so I grabbed it and put it in the garden, I sure hope it stays around.
That is one of the only two snake I will tolerate! The other is the Blue Indigo (it eats rattle snakes!)
The next time I see a bull snake with a rattle sticking out of its mouth, I will believe that. Come on guys, a picture is worth a husband words.
The next time I see a bull snake with a rattle sticking out of its mouth, I will believe that. Come on guys, a picture is worth a husband words.

Out of curiosity I found one. Texas Indigo Snake, (Drymarchon corais erebennus) eating a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. I don't think the Bull Snake eats them from what I've read but the Texas Indigo Snake sure seems to enjoy them :).

Indigos will eat scrap meat too, from road kill to ground beef. Very oportunistic. Kingsnakes eat other snakes as well...... lost a rubber boa that way.
I have seen a lot of snakes while out walking, but this one is definitely the largest I have seen in the three years I have lived in Colorado.
The day before David found this snake there was one on our front porch! Coming from Big Piney, Wyoming where there are no snakes, I'm staying in the house for a while! Had a bird fly in my house the other day too! Think someone up stairs thinks I need more out door experiences!
Bull snakes eat rattle snakes too I feel a great ease when a big bull snake is around not many rattlers are near by. I never kill a bull snake but every rattler I come across I kill they seem to be attracted to me