Big Buddy problems

Just spit-balling here. You say you got a new filter, but not why...

A big difference between the 1lb tanks and the 20lb is the 20lb tanks will generally have some oil in them. You need the filter to trap and remove this when running off the hose. You usually don't with the 1lb cylinders because they're filled with clean propane, UNLESS you refill them yourself, where a common mistake with cheap refilling rigs is to tip the 20lb cylinder on its side or upside down trying to get a better fill, which can contaminate the smaller cylinder.

A very small amount of oil is enough to foul a Mr Buddy (or Big Buddy) heater. I did this once myself and confirmed the issue by dismantling it and some oil came out of the works. I was never able to fully clean it, I had to replace it. It's not really designed for easy disassembly and servicing and I cracked a line trying to get it open. The moment this happens no combination of new filters, hoses, or cylinders will fix the issue because the contamination is now inside the heater itself.

So the question is, is it possible at any point in its life the heater could have been exposed to contamination in one of these ways? If so, unless it's still under warranty, replacement may be your only option. YMMV but I tried everything - compressed air, cleaners, swabs, etc. Nothing helped. A new unit started right up.
Just spit-balling here. You say you got a new filter, but not why...

A big difference between the 1lb tanks and the 20lb is the 20lb tanks will generally have some oil in them. You need the filter to trap and remove this when running off the hose. You usually don't with the 1lb cylinders because they're filled with clean propane, UNLESS you refill them yourself, where a common mistake with cheap refilling rigs is to tip the 20lb cylinder on its side or upside down trying to get a better fill, which can contaminate the smaller cylinder.

A very small amount of oil is enough to foul a Mr Buddy (or Big Buddy) heater. I did this once myself and confirmed the issue by dismantling it and some oil came out of the works. I was never able to fully clean it, I had to replace it. It's not really designed for easy disassembly and servicing and I cracked a line trying to get it open. The moment this happens no combination of new filters, hoses, or cylinders will fix the issue because the contamination is now inside the heater itself.

So the question is, is it possible at any point in its life the heater could have been exposed to contamination in one of these ways? If so, unless it's still under warranty, replacement may be your only option. YMMV but I tried everything - compressed air, cleaners, swabs, etc. Nothing helped. A new unit started right up.
I got the new filter because it said to replace it yearly. It seems like it is getting plenty of gas, as the pilot light is long and blue. Just watched a YouTube video where a guy had a similar issue, where the pilot wouldn’t stay lit after he let the knob up. He replaced the tip over sensor and that fixed it. He wired the two wires going to the sensor together to make sure that was the issue before ordering the new part. I guess another part that could have failed is the thermal coupler. I think that is what they called it, but it senses the pilot light. If no parts are faulty I guess it could be contaminated lines. I don’t know how that could happen. I bought it new and never ran it without a filter when hooked up the the 20 lb tank and replaced the filter after the first year. I will probably take it apart and see if connecting the wires to the tip over sensor fixes it. If not I might figure out how to test the thermal coupler and then try to blow out the lines as a last resort. I did bring an old heater back to life by taking it apart and blowing the lines out.
I have had a big buddy for 10 plus years beat the hell out of it ice fishing and never bought a new filter and its always just worked. I might clean it now jic so im not out on the ice freezing my ass off
Just curious, what temp were you using it at?
It was warm for ice fishing- above freezing with rain. It ran fine for 24 hours and then just crapped out. It is back to working after cleaning the pilot hole and blowing out the inside with compressed air. I added rubbing alcohol, q-tips, and a can of compressed air to my kit for in the field cleanings. I also got lazy and stopped bringing my backup heater. Think I will bring it along from now on. Ice fishing and kids don't mix without a working heater in the shack.
I've never had good luck with the couple I've owned. Both the full size and the single burner. Switched over to one of the old tank top style for my 20lb tank and have been problem free since.
I've never had good luck with the couple I've owned. Both the full size and the single burner. Switched over to one of the old tank top style for my 20lb tank and have been problem free since.
I have had a portable buddy for +15 years with zero issues. The big buddy started giving me trouble on year two. Maybe they don’t make the. Like they used to. It is hard to give up the big buddy after experiencing the amount of heat it puts out. Nothing like ice fishing in shorts and a t-shirt.
I have had a portable buddy for +15 years with zero issues. The big buddy started giving me trouble on year two. Maybe they don’t make the. Like they used to. It is hard to give up the big buddy after experiencing the amount of heat it puts out. Nothing like ice fishing in shorts and a t-shirt.
My initial big buddy I bought close to 20 years ago. It worked decently well through hunting season, then when trying to ice fish that winter is when it started acting up. I tried switching over to the 1lb tanks, adding a filter in line with the manufacturer's hose, switching out 20lb tanks, never worked right after it started acting up so I gave it to a buddy. He never got it running right either. I bought another and finished the year out ice fishing problem free. Tried using it the following fall and it wouldn't light. Gave that one away too. I may have gotten lemons, but I switched over to the tank top heaters and have been problem free since.
I though I would give an update in case it was useful to anyone. Cleaning out the pilot light didn’t last and it failed again on the next trip. While playing with it in the garage it looked like the pilot light was strong, but would move over the termocouple and it would go out. I took the panel off the very bottom and loosened the bracket that held the thermocouple. I slid it up a bit and tightened it back down.
After that the thermocouple was in the middle of the pilot and it stayed lit. I just ran it for a day solid on the last ice fishing trip and it was good as new. I ordered a new thermocouple, but will keep the current one in till it dies.
Timely. I had one passed down to me that was several years old and finally wouldn't run. Broke it down and found oily goop in the lines. Had no idea about the filter thing. Cleaned it out but it would never start again. Bought a brand new one, used once no problems. Second time and it won't stay lit off a 20lb tank. No problem with 1lb. The same 20lb works perfectly on my Ooni. Bought a new hose to try, fingers crossed.
The oil in the lines is a common problem. I run mine off of #20 bottles and both started acting up .
Removed all lines and blew oil out of the steel lines . They run perfectly after doing so.
I have acquired quite a few used buddy heaters because people would trash them and blowing oil out of the lines fixed most all of them lol
The oil in the lines is a common problem. I run mine off of #20 bottles and both started acting up .
Removed all lines and blew oil out of the steel lines . They run perfectly after doing so.
I have acquired quite a few used buddy heaters because people would trash them and blowing oil out of the lines fixed most all of them lol
I was wondering if you use the filter when using the 20 lb tank? I watched the video where the guy blew all of the oil out of the line and that was the first thing I tried. My lines appeared to be clean as a whistle, but I have only ran it with a filter attached and I replace the filter every year.