Biden announces proposed gun control measures

It is still legal to ship long guns through the mail without an FFL.
Under very limited circumstances.

1. Between Gun manufacturers and owner ( assuming repairs)
2. Between you and licensed gunsmith (similar to FFL)
3. Can mail to yourself c/o someone else (e.g. for hunting trip, etc)

I’m not aware of any other circumstances... please enlighten
Sigh...another thread that started out well about engaging your elected representatives in a way that will actually matter is crashing and burning....

I’ve seen much worse in threads here at RS arguing over best rifle manufacturer, model, cartridge, bullet, etc...

There will always be “that guy” wherever you go...nothing to see here, move along
Stick together, raise hell with your Reps.
* Disclaimer so the Brown Shirts dont come for me: NOT in a physically violent manner.
I suspect and hope the Commies(Dems) will be bombarded with lawsuits, slowing down their efforts.
Thank God for our Founding Fathers visualizing this long ago and instituting Presidential Term Limits.
Do not give in or give up!!! Do not be afraid to speak up or Offend!!! Get off the fence. Because thats why we're in this position today.

Ex: Look up Margorie Taylor Greene , Rep. in Ga.
This Lady has a Beach Ball size pair of Lady Nuts!!!
This is the way it's done.
Giving it right back to them, because thats all they understand.
I concur. Sadly Margorie probably will not have much help from her party. Her team is getting to the point of being spineless.I got to say i'm glad she has a pair.
Gunowners of America (GOA) and Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) are two really good orgs.

GOA focuses on lobbying; SAF is mostly involved with lawsuits.

While I'm a Life Member of NRA, I'm not giving them money until they sort out their LaPierre issues.

There are other good organizations as well.
Honest question: when was the last time anyone has hear of either if those organizations mentioned by the national media as the reason specific legislation was not passed? The NRA is a mess right now and needs some redirection, bit in the interim it is still the NRA.
To anyone on the fence. This is not about hunting!! This is about your rights. I know it's hard for some to comprehend but read the 2nd and understand it's true intention. Our forefathers didn't create this so we could shoot a deer in October. They created it as a series of balances and checks to help keep government in line.
I don't encourage anything radical but I encourage people to be strong and understand why we have the 2nd. Email your political leaders. Tell everyone you know. The future of our country depends on it.
Autos, suppressors, short barreled rifles/shotguns (and others) weren't regulated until the National Firearms Act of 1934. So, no, the 2A hasn't always been restricted.

To my knowledge, there has been only one challenge to the NFA of 1934, namely United States v. Miller.


Summary, some feller by the name of Miller had a short barreled shotgun that wasn't registered (tax stamp) as required by the newly implemented NFA of 1934. He was arrested, went to court...all the way to the SCOTUS. Alas, he died before it was argued at the SCOTUS.

As part of the decision, the majority (who ruled for the government) stated that:

The Court cannot take judicial notice that a shotgun having a barrel less than 18 inches long has today any reasonable relation to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, and therefore cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees to the citizen the right to keep and bear such a weapon.

In the absence of any evidence tending to show that possession or use of a "shotgun having a barrel of less than eighteen inches in length" at this time has some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia, we cannot say that the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear such an instrument.

Essentially, because no one argued/showed that a sawed off shotgun was relevant to military operations, it was deemed eligible to regulate.

If anyone had the fortitude to show that sawed off shotguns were relevant to the military in WWI trench warfare, the decision would have gone the other way.

The understanding of "militia" in the 1930s was exactly what many have argued for in recent years (that is, if the military infantryman has it, then so should the citizenry).

Up until 1986, it was legal to ship firearms through the mail (without the need of an FFL).

Up until 1986, it was legal to purchase a new automatic firearm (with tax stamp).

See Firearm Owner Protection Act of 1986.

The 2A wasn't passed in the Bill of Rights to protect hunting, or home defense, alone.

So no, the 2A hasn't always been restricted.

There is nothing "common sense" about these proposed restrictions.
Am I mistaken, or was 1986 during the Reagan administration?
The data is there...couldn't have a firearm on a train or in a National Park until Obama signed it into law.

Seems like an expansion of firearm rights to me...

As in previous threads, Obama didn't sign it into law. Bush Jr. ( to which I have a low regard for) EO'd it. Obama just didn't zap it. Believe it was riding on another bill.
Your on a discussion about politics and the 2nd amendment. The owners of this site do a great job controlling that imo. Choose a different thread of you don't want to read it.
Yes a discussion or just frustrated and emotionally based nonsense?
Part of me wants all of this to get put into place just to prove to the dems that are adamant that they arent taking our guns wrong. Not that they would ever admit it or change their way of thinking. My big question is who is going to protect the people as they take away guns and defund police? "I'm sorry you are being robbed kind sir, have you called your local social worker? Maybe they can talk with the criminal and see if he will stop robbing you." Boy am i glad i got rid of most of my guns and filled my safe with gun free zone signs and upgraded my stapler..
I just sent the following to senator Ron Johnson:

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Thank you for your continued efforts in protecting my Constitutional rights. One such right, endowed by my Creator, is to keep and bear arms. The Biden administration has promised to institute policy that is a direct offense against this right. It is my solemn hope and expectation that you, as my government representative, will fight every last measure to ensure that this important right is preserved. I have confidence that you will do so, and I'll be following you closely to monitor whether my continued support of your candidacy is merited.

Thanks for your consideration.

Ol’ Ron has gotten soft on 2A. He stood up to Fineswine on Fox back in the day and said that the risk of being killed is part of living in a free society where guns are guaranteed by the constitution. This isn’t verbatim but damn close. Now he’s softened and wanted to put restrictions on AWs.
I am guessing political posts will take over this site. Bummer.
Yeah, it's really too bad. Posts/ threads like this have to be somewhat political by nature of what's being discussed. It's too bad some guy's just can't refrain from taking jabs at the "other side" with one line comments just trying to get under other's skin. This should be important to all of us, it's a shame we can't discuss it with civility.