Biden announces proposed gun control measures

As I suspected, the term "arms" was designed to describe items that a person would use, in his hand, to defend themselves. I'm okay with that list. Musket hunting is certainly easier than hunting with my bows... ;)

It's particularly enlightening that they had the term ordnance at the time, but chose not to use it in the 2A.

Personally, I consider any semi-auto weapons designed for warfare, to in fact be "ordnance" and not "arms."
I really recommend you read the book I suggested in a previous post.

In my opinion, a reasonable person would come to the conclusion you are wrong about semi-autos being "ordnance".

Again, as I have posted elsewhere, the technology wasn't frozen in the 1790s...what military soldiers (infantry) could have, citizens could have. It is clear in the writings of that period.

The militia was distinct from any standing army; it was the citizenry. The standing army was covered in the main body of the Constitution. The 2A added protections for the state militia (regular and reserve) and for citizens to have those arms (complementary, not citizens who actively served in the militia).
As I suspected, the term "arms" was designed to describe items that a person would use, in his hand, to defend themselves. I'm okay with that list. Musket hunting is certainly easier than hunting with my bows... ;)

It's particularly enlightening that they had the term ordnance at the time, but chose not to use it in the 2A.

Personally, I consider any semi-auto weapons designed for warfare, to in fact be "ordnance" and not "arms."
If you ever served; if you ever called for an ordnance delivery, they would not be sending any simi-autos or even any fully automatics. If you ever lit a target for ordnance delivery, they would not be dropping rifles of any type.
The real problem is all those Californians that went and messed up their own state are now bleeding out into all these other great states. The Pacific Northwest has been becoming California for the last few years. Now it looks likes it’s spreading even further now
If you ever served; if you ever called for an ordnance delivery, they would not be sending any simi-autos or even any fully automatics. If you ever lit a target for ordnance delivery, they would not be dropping rifles of any type.
I understand that under today's definition. But the term was defined when the 2A was written, which was my point.
Found a great Pastrami Recipe. Awesome to use on big rear quarter cuts.

The cure

-5 tbsp tender quick
-4 tbsp dark brown sugar
-3 large bay leaves
-1 tsp of all spice
-1/2 tsp garlic powder
-1/2 tsp of anis seeds
-1 tbsp montreal steak seasoning
-2 tbsp coarse ground pepper
-1/2 tsp ground clove

Mix all together in grinder/blender and coat all of the meat evenly, rub it in. Place the meat in a zip lock bag and lay flat in the fridge, rotating 2x per day for 1-2 weeks depending on how strong you want the flavor.

After the meat's time out, remove from bag and rinse it good in cold water and leave in a water bath at room temp for 2 hours. Pat dry and then put on the 2nd rub which is below.

Final Crust Rub:

-1 tbsp garlic powder
-2 tbsp coarse ground pepper
-1 tsp of paprika
-1 tbsp mustard seed (whole)
-1 tbsp coriander (whole)
-1 tsp of dark brown sugar

Put in smoker for 3-4 hours at 200 degrees, target temp of 150-155. Remove from smoker and let rest at room temp. Then put in ziplock and put in fridge for 24 hours to firm up. Slice as this as possible and enjoy!
Here is another recipe, take the constitution, trim off the second amendment and let simmer. After a short simmer the 1st amendment falls off the bone and you have a bitter tyranny stew.
Wow... you wouldn't expect so many hunters would be enemies of the constitution
Honestly, I don't believe they are "enemies". I would say they may be unaware of the purpose of the 2A as understood by the Founding Generation and unaware of 18th Century lexicon.

Of course, there are exceptions to the above.

Threads like this has morphed into should serve as an opportunity to fill in missing knowledge and allow folks to re-assess. Civility helps with that process.
The 2A has nothing to do with utility or need. There is no argument to be made that there is some line to be drawn between what kind of arms we need and what kind we don't.
The real problem is all those Californians Democratic politicians running CA for years that went and messed up their own state are now bleeding out into all these other great states.
There fixed it for you^

The same DNC policy that wrecked CA is now going to be rolled out Federally. YES, it can and just might happen to you.

Its time to support the outfits with the lobbying horsepower to fight this: NRA and SCI to name a couple.

The real problem is all those Californians that went and messed up their own state are now bleeding out into all these other great states. The Pacific Northwest has been becoming California for the last few years. Now it looks likes it’s spreading even further now
I think its the kids of those transplants. They are indoctrinated to be liberals by our schools over here and then move out of state with their parents and try to fix the free places.
Lot going on in this thread but...

It’s not the unreasonable in the slightest to be worried about possible legislation in the next 2-4 years given the current balance of power and the words spoken by current elected officials during campaigning. It’s no surprise at all there is a panic, more justified now than ever. Will something definitely happen? Of course we don’t know but it’s on most people’s radar pretty justifiably in my opinion

Also it’s no surprise many don’t care one way or the other about losing second amendment rights or having their freedoms infringed upon. The hunting community is still full of Fudds. Plenty of people don’t realize the value of something like the second amendment and I fear it will continue to become less important to the masses as ignorance of firearms and of history in general abounds. But I suppose what’s sad (at least to me) about Fudds being Fudds is that being hunters they at least have knowledge about firearms. When a skinny hipster with a curled mustache and soft hands who thinks nature is a walking trail through a city park and who’s never handled a firearm in his life says “I don’t know why people need high-powered automatic military-style guns with high-capacity magazine-clips” I can say ok yeah I’m not surprised this doesn’t make sense to you. But it’s tough to see it from someone who owns guns and handles them and has had the direct opportunity to witness and extrapolate their potential utility for other purposes

But of course hunters can’t even reasonably agree on ethics and fair chase half the time so things like rights and freedoms shouldn’t be any different. It would be a powerful thing though for both the hunting community and the second amendment community to be on the same side of things the vast majority of the time
When was the last time you heard a liberal politician on the national scale mention any of those organizations?

I've heard them mention the NRA many, many times but never one of those.

The NRA has its issues, but they are the strongest protector of our 2A rights and I for one feel this would be the worst possible time to deny them support.
Pulling this back in...a bit.

strong indications that Biden is planning a raft of executive orders day one. No indication (so far) that gun control is among them. IMO he is going to be calling In all his favors on pandemic and economic relief early on and won’t pick a big 2A fight that might antagonize dems in the middle of that.

I would expect to see some smaller administrative action around low hanging fruit. executive orders or departmental policies on pistol braces, etc. upgraded to background checks. semi autos and high capacity magazines becoming NFA items (requiring registration with waived fees). They will save the bigger fights - bans, ammo tax, ammo limits - for later in the administration.
Making semi-autos and high capacity mags NFA items is not low-hanging fruit. It would be an enormous undertaking to tax and register literally hundreds of millions of items--possibly into the billions--with magazines.
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