Best way to test various powders

Oct 27, 2022
I am going to start looking for a pet load for my 30-06 soon and have a few powders on hand to try, including H4350, Accurate 4350, Ramshot Hunter, and Reloader 16 (which I will probably just ignore since it's not going to be possible to restock after I use up the pound).

My question for you is, when testing for the best powder, what is your procedure? My inclination is to take an allegedly accurate powder and charge from a loading manual and first do a seating depth test, then do some ladder tests with the various powders after determining seating depth. Does this seem like the correct order of operations, or would you first zero in on a powder before doing seating depth. And how would you determine which powder?

Take 3 rounds of each charge weight from low book through pressure. Stuff it to the lands or .050 off the mag box.

Shoot two, if they are close....shoot the third. If not, don't waste your time...they'll never get closer.

Keep going till you see accuracy or pressure. If you see accuracy, push through it and record the window.

Once all that is done, then you can give a shit what the chronograph said. Sd can be fixed and speed isn't important enough to matter.
I’d load 10 w/each powder, middle of the book charge weights well off the lands. Shoot 10rounds group with each powder. Pick one. Adjust charge weight to hit desired velocity. Done.
A reply not to your question... Was a H4350 guy in 30-06 but SB 6.5 worked great for the last loads I developed. Yes used magnum primers.

I normally aim to reach a velocity window supported by available data for that propellant. I also like to select a bullet upfront. Choose a seating depth - usually .03 to 0.5" off. May shoot one shot at a charge weight and other a few grains higher when next at the range or load at the range etc. Components are expensive now to shoot some unnecessary shots at a load so slow that I would never use it. Once in a window with which I am satisfied I will do any tuning that I intend to on OAL etc. These days if it is a crappy load I may change something like powder sooner than some years back but I still shoot rifles and cartridges where things like seating depth too often do seem to matter. Whereas my 6 CM for example doesn't seem to care.

The stuff that doesn't shoot okay on that basis seldom tunes to something repeatably okay without a component change. Years of chasing my tail to finally accept this...