Best waterfowl forums/classifieds?


May 12, 2023
Hey all,

Does anyone use a forum similar to Rokslide but with an emphasis on waterfowl?

I'm looking to buy some used waterfowl gear (decoys, blinds, boats, etc). But also maybe connect with some local hunters.

I'm in Western Washington and Western Oregon most of the year/season.
duck hunting chat is ok but not too much activity.

facebook is likely the best place but I do not go on that gar hole personally.
craigslist for just classifieds
most forums have had about 90% reductions in traffic, everybody's pretty much moved to various facebook groups.
Facebook marketplace for gear, or various waterfowl gear trader pages on facebook.
Refuge Forums still has decent traffic but Vertical Scope bought up most of the others and killed them off with terrible management and ad bombardment.
most forums have had about 90% reductions in traffic, everybody's pretty much moved to various facebook groups.
Facebook marketplace for gear, or various waterfowl gear trader pages on facebook.
Refuge Forums still has decent traffic but Vertical Scope bought up most of the others and killed them off with terrible management and ad bombardment.
Dang. Yeah I went to go check out duckhuntingchat but there was barely any activity.

I use Facebook, but there are dozens of groups per area and half of them get filled with bots/spammers.
Over the years I've been on a number of duck hunting specific forums. Lots of extremely hostile people on them, with next to no moderation. They are like no other hunting forum out there. I never did find anyone I wanted to cross paths with in real life, some I questioned how they weren't felons. Duckhuntingchat and Refuge forums are the worst I can remember. If there is a Washington/Oregon hunting forum, that would be a better way to go. It appears there is a forum called
Hey all,

Does anyone use a forum similar to Rokslide but with an emphasis on waterfowl?

I'm looking to buy some used waterfowl gear (decoys, blinds, boats, etc). But also maybe connect with some local hunters.

I'm in Western Washington and Western Oregon most of the year/season.
Are you on Facebook? Look up Washington Avian Adventures, PNW Waterfowl Addicts.
I too have found duck hunting forums and FB groups to be very hostile. Lots of know-it-all hicks.
There are few hunting forums with as high of a signal to noise ratio as RS.