Best Tikka prefit steel barrel

PVA kind of contours differently. They spec the muzzle diameter at the length it seems, so shorter barrels are quite a bit lighter. Here’s a 16.5” 3b. Not too bad. It is beefier than factory. D81D707D-4B16-41CF-86BA-8A0DC3349263.jpeg
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Did quite a bit of digging on this topic a few weeks ago when on the market for a 6cm tikka prefit.

Ending up feeling pretty confident ordering from PBB. Groups will confirm my choice in June hopefully.
I've had great luck with a number of McGowen tikka prefits.
Preffered barrels have been problematic for me

I'm looking for a shouldered Tikka Prefit in 7mm PRC similar to the OP, and Preferred was the direction I was leaning. I'm curious what kinds of problems you've had?
I'm looking for a shouldered Tikka Prefit in 7mm PRC similar to the OP, and Preferred was the direction I was leaning. I'm curious what kinds of problems you've had?
I bought two for precision rifles that wouldn't shoot better than moa, one sent 2 moa cold bore flyers and copper fouled like crazy.
I sent that barrel back, they said it needed recrowned, it still shot terrible but they refused to replace it.
I called them for weeks asking for a refund, finally they sent me a new tikka prefit barrel.

Right off the bat I found it chambered hard, turns out the neck was so tight it was shaving brass off the case.
They rechambered it for me and it actually shoots sub moa now, I can't get anything better than .75 out of it and it's finicky for sure.
This was 18 months ago.

I'm 5 for 5 with sub 1/2 moa shooters from McGowen, people on here love to hate on them but they're a much better barrel.
They are properly stress relieved, hand
lapped, and clean easy.
is that a rough tech stock? No modification needed for the taperless?
Nope just a factory with some Krylon. Yes I had to modify the stock slightly by the chamber taper area, and I opened the channel up a little extra. It was pretty easy with a carbide roughing bit in a dremel tool to get the majority of the work done, and then some sand paper on a socket for finish work.
Nope just a factory with some Krylon. Yes I had to modify the stock slightly by the chamber taper area, and I opened the channel up a little extra. It was pretty easy with a carbide roughing bit in a dremel tool to get the majority of the work done, and then some sand paper on a socket for finish work.
Looks great, nice work!
Ordered another PVA, have a sale going like they do every 4th of July. Not a bad deal for next years match barrel.

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And here is 5 from my 16” 22 creed PVA prefit. This group was shot at 400 yards, don’t know how it’s possible but I about shit when I got down to the target.
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Is that a barrel nut prefit? I looked at their website and didn't see the sale.
I’ll try and get in touch with PVA, but does anyone know what steel profile would be the closest to a Proof Research Carbon Fiber Sendero? I have a stock cut for the Proof profile on the way, but I think I want a heavy profile Steel Barrel.
The only way I would order from mcgowen again, is if they got rid of Dan and were giving away free barrel blanks
Haha! Yeah I know what you mean about that dude..
Last time I ordered it was a new guy who was great to work with, it was a 300 NM Ackley prefit and it's shooting .3 consistently.
They straight up shoot, but go with whatever tickles your little pickle
I’ll try and get in touch with PVA, but does anyone know what steel profile would be the closest to a Proof Research Carbon Fiber Sendero? I have a stock cut for the Proof profile on the way, but I think I want a heavy profile Steel Barrel.
Bart M24 or Rem heavy Varmint will be close.
I called the usual suspects and let my gut guide me based on the feel of conversations with whoever picked up the phone. I came away extremely impressed with bugholes and PVA, and have ordered from both.

There's definite variation in the pva 3b. My 16" 223 pva 3b is much thinner, and most annoyingly too thin for my can to shoulder on.

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Is that an osprey prefit?

I’ll have to make sure and call before my next one.

That’s the reason I went 1/2” with my first one, I actually would have been happy if mine was cut that way.