I'm really just starting reloading too, and while I have several good manuals that go through the basics (Lymans especially), they all stop there. What I really want to understand is load development and more of the technical aspect of how to get a good load.
I get that you start low and load several increasing amounts of powder, or you can vary many of the components of a load, but that just seems like trial and error (which is not all bad, it just doesn't really help me understand what is going on with the load and what happens in the firing process when something changes).
The pdf cited in the other thread - "Dan Newberry’s – Optimal Charge Weight Load Development" was useful, but again, was really just a process.
I don't know - maybe I'm overthinking it, but I like to fully understand how things work. I keep seeing things like "I'm seeing signs of pressure", etc. and I don't really understand what that means. I guess what I really want is to know more about powders, burn rates, differences in primers, etc.. I.e., how do the people that make reloading manuals do it? I don't think they just start low and work up.
I know there is a lot in what I'm asking, but I just haven't seen s soup to nuts reference.