Best Protein/Snack Bar

I’ve tried everything listed so far and I really like the met-rx big 100 super cookie crunch protein bars. They are whey protein bars with 32 grams of protein and 410 calories. They are basically just a giant candy bar but they are delicious, especially after a hard workout or long day up in the mountains when I really don’t care about calories or sugar
I started using Bobs Red mill bars, they are not very cool to haul out of the pack compared to having some extreme energy bar, in fact they just have a pic of a gentle old man on the wrapper...but I think the ingredients are better quality and less sugar than most of the others out there
Thanks for the recommendation. I looked these up: 26 g of carbs, 8 g of protein.
Thanks for the recommendation. I looked these up: 26 g of carbs, 8 g of protein.
I was Cliff Bar guy for a long time, both the reg & builders bar but looked for something different because I didn't like the high sugar & when they became Canadian made I started to question the ingredients as a lot of Canadian food goods are using imported ingredients