Best method to get stink out of yeti?


Feb 3, 2018
I “may” have left food from my october elk hunt in my yeti soft sided cooler. It’s clean now, after some scrubbing and soaking, but any suggestion on how to get a nasty smell out? Tried palmolive, bleach, and lemon oil. Thanks
This is super helpful, all. And the more than mental image of getting the stink out of a living yeti made me laugh foe the last 10 minutes straight. Ha! I’ll report back success story
X3 on bleach water...I use one for fish and bait on my yack chasing redfish and trout. Never had an issue using bleach. It may take a couple soaks but it will get rid of rotten shrimp smell...
I haven't tried hydrogen peroxide but I've seen it used to restore stained plastics. Though doesn't it have it's own smell?
Bleach. I've left coolers out in the sun to fully dry too a few times. May have to bleach a few times
I usually wash with soap and water, then fill with bleach and water to sit for a day or two, wash one more time. This even worked when I forgot to unload a cooler from the beach with beer, bread, and melted ice. It had been so long even the maggots had died and hardened.

Used simple green once and the cooler never got rid of the green smell. Gave me a gag reflex every time I'd used it.
Put a bunch of dish soap and water in it and throw it in the back of the truck. Let is slosh as you drive and change the water every few days. Worked on my hardside cooler at least.

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