Best method to get stink out of yeti?

I didn't even read the replies because I know I have tried them all. The dish soap/baking soda/peroxide, the bleach, leaving it in the sun, boiling water, everything.

One time a stink was so persistent nothing could remove it until: I put charcoal briquettes, like for your grill, in it. Closed the lid and let it sit a few weeks. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and it was completely cured. I was about to trash that Yeti, too, that was my last ditch effort.

On a side note, we bought my wife a used vehicle and it had a lot of air freshener smell in it, likely to cover up another stink. We put a few charcoal briquettes under all the seats and in a couple weeks it was odorless.
I didn't even read the replies because I know I have tried them all. The dish soap/baking soda/peroxide, the bleach, leaving it in the sun, boiling water, everything.

One time a stink was so persistent nothing could remove it until: I put charcoal briquettes, like for your grill, in it. Closed the lid and let it sit a few weeks. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and it was completely cured. I was about to trash that Yeti, too, that was my last ditch effort.

On a side note, we bought my wife a used vehicle and it had a lot of air freshener smell in it, likely to cover up another stink. We put a few charcoal briquettes under all the seats and in a couple weeks it was odorless.

I’ll be giving this a try. I think I’ve tried just about everything else too.
Clean with bleach and dry. Then out a box of baking soda and stuff it full of newspaper and then close the lid. I did this on a freezer I had go bad from a tripped breaker. Ruined all of my meat. Weeks later I found it. Thought for sure it was trash. Good as new after doing the above.
I would think all of the magic scent killing sprays would have to remove any scent from anything. According to the bottle you just spray it on and forget the wind.
I didn't even read the replies because I know I have tried them all. The dish soap/baking soda/peroxide, the bleach, leaving it in the sun, boiling water, everything.

One time a stink was so persistent nothing could remove it until: I put charcoal briquettes, like for your grill, in it. Closed the lid and let it sit a few weeks. Imagine my surprise when I opened it and it was completely cured. I was about to trash that Yeti, too, that was my last ditch effort.

On a side note, we bought my wife a used vehicle and it had a lot of air freshener smell in it, likely to cover up another stink. We put a few charcoal briquettes under all the seats and in a couple weeks it was odorless.
I am really excited to try this. Nothing else has worked, so fingers crossed. It also makes complete sense that this world work. Thank you!
I use white vinegar...had a few cooler including a soft sided that I didn't wash the blood out of and had used game bags in it. Left it over winter and didn't realize it till spring when I opened one and almost added to the mess.

Pour in a bunch white vinegar and some water. I even through a little dish soap in for fun. Let it sit a day or so. Rinse out. We almost have zero use for bleach as we use vinegar for almost everything.
Haha, yes! I forgot to do this this year, just opened my cooler over the weekend, nasty!

Also, when storing, don't leave the drain plug in, and put a small cloth holding the lid open a quarter inch or so. The additional air circulation will help keep them from stinking up. I also sprinkle a little bit of baking soda, or a few charcoal briquettes in an old (clean lol) sock. The charcoal neutralizes lots of odors.
I would spray it down, then heavily dust it with baking soda so it sticks to all the surfaces. Leave it for 24-48 hours, then wash it.

If it still smells, I know a guy who use to deliver chicken for KFC and he swore the same method with fine ground Folgers was the best way to get rid of the smell.

Edit: I wonder how adding ground up charcoal would do. Yes, I'm ripping ideas from @Dos Perros