Best low light binoculars

One of the best high power glasses I’ve used is the big Zeiss 15x60 porro, if porro’s matched the fov of many of the wide angle roofs, and some do of course, had better eyecups, and some modern tweeking I’d save the coin and go that route probably more times than not.

To this day the Nikon e2’s are an incredible glass with a huge fov and little ca. To bad manufacturers don’t put more r&d in porros. Even many older ones have excellent glass that fares well with the 2/3k roofs.
A couple of German built high quality Porros are the Steiner 7x50 Commander series, with around 456 ft FOV (2023 version), and the Steiner 8x56 Shadowquest. Both priced in the 1200-1500$ price range.