best last seen too a movie

For me, there are two that are far above the rest.

The final scene in There Will Be Blood and the final scene of Good Will Hunting.

Inception is a good one but the above two are by far my favorites for very different reasons (obviously)
This is fun, I love talking movies. As I said when I started the thread, my favorite movie was The good, bad an ugly. Three great actors chasing gold. No romance or that stuff. A great score, etc. But I also think the end of Scent of a Woman, when Al Pacino gives the speech defending the kid from Oregon and talks about leadership.....very relevant today.
Legends of the Fall has a pretty good finish

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Really, I thought you out everyone would of had a classic. All your responses are so john wayne, I am humbly a keyboard geek. Probably should give this basement info talk back to gabrial. keep bringing the wolf picts
Really, I thought you out everyone would of had a classic. All your responses are so john wayne, I am humbly a keyboard geek. Probably should give this basement info talk back to gabrial. keep bringing the wolf picts
Last time I watched that movie was with about 8 other Marines the night before we deployed to Iraq our second time. About as John Wayne as I'll ever get lol.

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