best last seen too a movie

Now wait for house of Targerian. May be this one won't be a let down like last season of got.
I was actually one of the people that was okay with the ending. They could've changed where folks ended up to please the fans, but I thought everyone's final disposition made logical sense. That being said, I never liked the creepy kid that became the king.
The Mist.

The movie, not the book. It is by far the most mind blowing and tragic ending to any movie I’ve ever seen. Never give up, no matter how dark and helpless you feel in that last moment, never give up!

Yeah, that was hard to watch.

Another good last scene was in "The Thing".
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Top 3:

1. "I'm your huckleberry." - Tombstone
2. Jose and Ten Bears - Outlaw Jose Wales
3. John Goodman and Mark Wahlberg in the bar - The Gambler
Lots of not last scenes listed... From movies I like better than the I'm about to add to the list.

But the last scene of Fight Club is great.
A few that stuck with me -No Country for Old Men, There Will be Blood, Harsh Times (Christian Bale), and random Amazon prime movie Shot Caller
I watched shot caller a while back while I was sick and was shocked how good that movie was.

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