Best knife for game

KOA has some nice designs but their tempering of D2 isn't there. I gave up trying to sharpen em.
The Scandinavian knives [Helle and Mora] are inexpensive and work great.
My younger hunting companions don't know how to sharpen a knife so the use the replaceable surgical blade knives. When boning a moose, I often see them trying to put the blade back into the holder. Sometimes they break off the blade in a large chunk of meat and can't find it. That's not good!
Is there something else I should be looking at for the one that does it all?
What's the favorite to keep in a kill kit?
I have the orange handle Steep Country in S30v- great knife but I had to buff the steel squares so they didn't snag my latex gloves. I can do 2 elk without sharpening.

Most knives in the lesser steels will need touchup during processing a elk.

My buddy that I help guide elk hunters with likes the Havalon but typically averages 5-6 blade changes per elk. That just doesn't work for me.

I think a blade with excellent steel that will hold and edge is best.

if you want Ultra light that Benchmade Altitude is nicer than I thought. I haven't had the chance to put it through its full paces on anything more than deer or Javalinas but that S90V is incredible steel. I thought I preferred a handle but that knife is well designed....and feather light.

He doesnt have any listed on the website right now but these 2 in Damascus put in some serious work this year're a Baller. That pair of knives cost more than a used car! I told Mrs my new HF is NEVER going to the Field. She's pissed. Have no business dressing a critter with an $800 knife. Apperantly you give ZFs....Rock On!
I’ve been using the Benchmade Steep Country the past two seasons and love it. I was originally looking for a non-super steel blade, as the ones I have are a bear to sharpen. But the S30V takes and holds an edge, and is far easier to sharpen than any others (I don’t have experience with S90V). I do use Work Sharp diamond plates, though. I don’t think stones will work. I’ve field quartered and then butchered two whitetails using only that knife.

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I'm guessing you're going to get a lot of different answers. I go back and forth with the havalon and replaceable blades, but I always keep a Helle Orn fixed blade in my pack and have used it exclusively the past two seasons. Helle is a brand that doesn't get much recognition, but they make fantastic knives. Worth looking into.
Helle knives are awesome. The fact that you can buy their blanks and put whatever handle you want on it is nice too!
I really like the Benchmade saddle mounted Skinner. It stays sharp, has just a bit of heft for camp activities or going right through ribs and has a perfect shape blade (more specifically the tip) IMHO.

Also LOVE the buck packlite caper. If you like replaceable blade size this is awesome in a lightweight fixed blade that IMHO gives you much more capability. Also LOVE the blade shape.

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From my experience to get the best it means going custom. Steel, heat treat and geometry are the three variables that need to be considered with how well and how long your blade cuts and a custom maker has more control over all three then a mass produced blade.
If you can’t sharpen a knife and aren’t willing to learn you might as well stick with replaceable blades.
If you can sharpen a blade poke around and find a custom maker that builds what your chasing.
I’ve owned a few dozen on my hunt for the best combination of utility, ergonomics and beauty and the best design for gutting, skinning and in a pinch deboning is this one in the middle. Originally I had it made in micarta as I didn’t expect to like it but it did everything perfectly. I’ve never used any design that was so perfectly suited to processing an animal.


So I had another built the way I wanted.



Dan makes a wonderful knife with an amazing heat treat and I’ve never lost the shaving edge on any animal. You can get one built with G10 or micarta scales for about $200 and it’ll be a pleasure to use for a lifetime.

There isn’t a factory blade on the market I would consider or recommend as I can’t think of any that can compare to a custom.
I’m fortunate that my brother is a custom builder. Although a lot of his designs don’t fit me exactly, he’s built a couple to my ideas, and they out perform most all others I’ve tried. With that being said, my 2 favorite factory knives are the Benchmade saddle mountain skinner (discontinued), and the other is a Esee. Camp lore maybe. It’s a tiny little knife, that has Held its own on many deer and elk. I don’t know why Benchmade discontinued the saddle mountain hunter in favor of the skinner. The hunter is a much more useful blade design in my opinion.

My brothers knives
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I process many dozens of animals each year and I own lots of different knives. Some of my favourites are custom builds by friends, but the ones that get used the most are simple, with softer steel, that I touch up regularly. Even when in the field, I carry a small Fallkniven DC4 stone and a small smooth steel, so I can regularly hit my knives and keep the edge super sharp. It's not uncommon for me to field dress and part out up to 6 deer at one time.

My favourite knife at the moment is a Dexter Russell 1375, which is a butcher style knife, in the same sort of pattern that you see a lot of 'mountain man' knives. I had a friend whip up a leather sheath for me and it goes most places with me.

The little Mora knives are also fantastic for the money.
I can’t say enough good about the Moras as well. I can’t tell you how many deer I’ve done in a pinch with nothing more than this little mini eldris mora.
I can’t say enough good about the Moras as well. I can’t tell you how many deer I’ve done in a pinch with nothing more than this little mini eldris mora.
I used the eldris this year on my elk what great little knife . I really like the fat grippy handle
I sprung for a Benchmade Altitude (waited almost a year to find a decent sale!)- it's everything I had hoped for- lightweight, nimble in handle, razor sharp and probably most important it stays sharp for a loooong time

I do pack a Tyto as well w/ a few replacement blades, there is very sharp and then there is scalpel sharp :)
I just got to thinking....a good test for how Any knife will handle a complete breakdown of a big game animal; try it out on a couple coyotes. Start to finish, coyotes are as hard on edge retention as most.
I appreciate all the suggestions, I can and do sharpen, usually pretty darn well, usually have bald patches on my arms when done. Still deciding what I’m going to do, like the Crotts, have a cheap mora that rides in the vehicle that may need to see some other function, looked at the benchmade altitude but wonder about the difficulty of sharpening the s90, gent at benchmade said it was harder to sharpen than the s30
Keep any feedback and suggestions coming please.
Thanks again,
Diamond blade also makes a fantastic knife. You’ll wait 6-8 weeks to get one but man they are something else. I have the Summit.

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That looks very similar to the KOA that I have, same handle, shape, etc., interesting for sure, I like the koa, just not the d2 they use
I appreciate all the suggestions, I can and do sharpen, usually pretty darn well, usually have bald patches on my arms when done. Still deciding what I’m going to do, like the Crotts, have a cheap mora that rides in the vehicle that may need to see some other function, looked at the benchmade altitude but wonder about the difficulty of sharpening the s90, gent at benchmade said it was harder to sharpen than the s30
Keep any feedback and suggestions coming please.
Thanks again,

Dan Crotts is Bob Dozier’s son in law and shop foreman. Dozier’s D2 heat treat is legendary and Dan knows his process. I’ve had many Crotts and Dozier knives but only two that were S90V, all the rest were D2. I’m a snob for sharp edges and have no problem touching a knife up. I have never lost the edge on a D2 knife in one season. In 2015 I specifically didn’t sharpen it for the entire year and processed a bear, three elk and four deer with a single knife and it still easily took the hair off my arm at the end of the season.

I choose Dan more often then not to build my knives because he’s a master of his trade, very easy to deal with and can turn a knife out in about three months. In contrast Dozier is about 3+ years and Gene Ingram was 2+ years the last time I bought one off him. Phil Wilson was about a four year wait as well when I got my fillet knife off him. Dans craftsmanship as close to perfect as anyone else’s I’ve owned and your not giving anything up by choosing D2 steel. He’s forgotten more about its heat treat then other manufacturers have ever learned.
Pretty sure mine is D2 tool steel. Pretty good edge retention, just hard steel so when dull, hard to sharpen.
I'll check out the Helle, don't know much. The reviews I've heard on the Benchmade are pretty solid.

I LOVE d2 koa knives! I'd be happy to sit down and help you get that knife sharp or buy it from you. A Spyderco Moran in vg10 steel might be a good fit for you. I have made several handles for Helles and they are easy steel also.
I LOVE d2 koa knives! I'd be happy to sit down and help you get that knife sharp or buy it from you. A Spyderco Moran in vg10 steel might be a good fit for you. I have made several handles for Helles and they are easy steel also.
Where are you Mr. Sandman, I might take you up on it, the sharpening of it for more knowledge and maybe a reason to save money😀
I have the Tito. It's my choice for just about everything. I have taken heads off many animals and the only thing it cant do is crack a pelvic bone but I have ways around that. It is way easier to clean than the havalon. I do on occasion carry a leatherman supertool as well.