Best hunting rifle!!!

Aug 29, 2023
Hey everyone I recently read an old article about the best rifle for deer hunting and the conclusion was the best rifle for deer hunting is what ever rifle you have already. So I have a challenge to all who are brave enough. Give up your fancy rifle and scope for just one deer season use grandpa's old Springfield or Enfield (in Canada) use a mosin an old 30-30 an old Mauser clone with uncle Bob's foggy 3-9x or anything under $500 total and let me know if you still have fun
O3A4 - M-48 military scope, O3A3 open peep sight, K-98 Mauser 3x9 old Bushnell, Moisin Nagant open sights, 30-30 Winchester 94 open sights been using these for years and killing deer. No problem. Always remember it's not the rifle but the person behind the rifle.
Hey everyone I recently read an old article about the best rifle for deer hunting and the conclusion was the best rifle for deer hunting is what ever rifle you have already. So I have a challenge to all who are brave enough. Give up your fancy rifle and scope for just one deer season use grandpa's old Springfield or Enfield (in Canada) use a mosin an old 30-30 an old Mauser clone with uncle Bob's foggy 3-9x or anything under $500 total and let me know if you still have fun
But I already have a “fancy” rifle, so by the article, I should be using it.
Yeah, I’m just going to use the rifles that work best over my grandpa’s 3MOA Remington semi-auto .30-06 that sometimes jams and always kicks like a mule.
Well if you can't kill a deer with 3 moa and can't handle a 30-06 semi recoil I think soccer is a better sport for you my friend jamming shouldn't even be a worry if you make your first shot count
Well, i have my wife's late father's "sporterized" 1903 in the safe. open sights. If I'm brave enough to shoot it, I'll give it a go, but you'll have to wait till January for antlerless season. She's 46 and he died before she was born, so I'll have to get it out and inspect it first though.
Well if you can't kill a deer with 3 moa and can't handle a 30-06 semi recoil I think soccer is a better sport for you my friend jamming shouldn't even be a worry if you make your first shot count
Lol okay new guy. Ironically I do coach my kids soccer league.

But to expand, 3MOA is not an acceptable field rifle, particularly for distances >100 yards. By the time you get to any reasonable long range, you’re completely off vitals. I prefer to hit my targets.

Second, an unbraked .30-06 without a recoil pad does kick hard. It’s not a matter of being able to “handle” it. It’s a matter of being more accurate with less recoil, as ALL shooters are.

And third, why do you bring extra ammo in a hunt if you truly believe you only need one shot? Stuff happens, and sometimes you need more than 1 shot. Accepting a gun that frequently jams is a recipe for disaster.
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What seems like forever ago, I bought a Springfield Garand made in December 1941 for $100.
I plinked with it a little, then stuffed it in a closet for 10ish years. Around 20 yrs ago, my son joined ROTC and mentioned that he'd like to have an old military rifle. I dug it out the next day and we shot it a little. Over the next few deer seasons, he killed a couple dozen whitetail with it shooting 150 gr Core-lokts. From that point, he got hot and heavy chasing females and didn't put the time and effort in for close hunting and went back to his 243 and longer scoped shots.
Well, I already did something similar back in 2020. I used an old Mauser in a 257 Roberts with a 3-9x40 Wide-view Tasco I believe. An took the biggest buck I have shot to date with it. It was my dads gun it had it built a few years prior and never shot anything with it. An since he passed on I figured it would be good to use it at least once. I also used one of his other Mausers in a 243 the other year to take a nice doe. Still had fun on both occasions.